今月の主題 新しい小腸・大腸画像診断─現状と将来展望
さらに,21世紀に入ってコンセプトの異なった2つの内視鏡検査法,すなわちカプセル内視鏡(capsule endoscopy ; CE)とバルーン内視鏡が普及し,小腸を含む全消化管の内視鏡観察が可能となった.そこで,本稿では小腸内視鏡検査,CTC(CT colonography),CTE(CT enterography),およびMRE(MR enterography)の現状と将来の展望について述べる.
さらに,21世紀に入ってコンセプトの異なった2つの内視鏡検査法,すなわちカプセル内視鏡(capsule endoscopy ; CE)とバルーン内視鏡が普及し,小腸を含む全消化管の内視鏡観察が可能となった.そこで,本稿では小腸内視鏡検査,CTC(CT colonography),CTE(CT enterography),およびMRE(MR enterography)の現状と将来の展望について述べる.
1)Kwack WG, Lim YJ. Current status and research into overcoming limitations of capsule endoscopy. Clin Endosc 49:8-15, 2016
2)Pasricha T, Smith BF, Mitchell VR, et al. Controlled colonic insufflation by a remotely triggered capsule for improved mucosal visualization. Endoscopy 46:614-618, 2014
3)Rondonotti E, Koulaouzidis A, Karargyris A, et al. Utility of 3-dimensional image reconstruction in the diagnosis of small-bowel masses in capsule endoscopy(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 80:642-651, 2014
4)Valdastri P, Quaglia C, Buselli E, et al. A magnetic internal mechanism for precise orientation of the camera in wireless endoluminal applications. Endoscopy 42:481-486, 2010
5)Rey JF, Ogata H, Hosoe N, et al. Feasibility of stomach exploration with a guided capsule endoscope. Endoscopy 42:541-545, 2010
6)Ota K, Nouda S, Takeuchi T, et al. What kind of capsule endoscope is suitable for a controllable self-propelling capsule endoscope? Experimental study using a porcine stomach model for clinical application(with videos). PLoS One 10:e0139878, 2015
7)Koulaouzidis A, Iakovidis DK, Karargyris A, et al. Wireless endoscopy in 2020. Will it still be a capsule? World J Gastroenterol 21:5119-5130, 2015
8)Sunada K, Yamamoto H. Double-balloon endoscopy:Past, present, and future. J Gastroenterol 44:1-12, 2009
9)de Haan MC, Pickhardt PJ, Stoker J. CT colonography:Accuracy, acceptance, safety and position in organised population screening. Gut 64:342-350, 2015
10)Fidler JL, Zhang Z, Herman BA, et al. CT colonography for the detection of nonpolypoid adenomas. Sensitivity assessed with restricted national CT colonography trial criteria. AJR 203:614-622, 2014
11)IJspeert JE, Tutein Nolthenjus CJ, Kuipers EJ, et al. CT-colonography vs. colonoscopy for detection of high-risk sessile serrated polyps. Am J Gastroenterol 111:516-522, 2016
12)Baker ME, Hara AK, Platt JF, et al. CT enterography for Crohn's disease:optimal technique and imaging issues. Abdom Imaging 40:938-952, 2015
13)Takenaka K, Ohtsuka K, Kitazume Y, et al. Comparison of magnetic resonance and balloon enteroscopic examination of the small intestine in patients with Crohn's disease. Gastroenterology 147:334-342, 2014