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今月の主題 新しい小腸・大腸画像診断─現状と将来展望



著者: 工藤進英1 深見裕一1 三澤将史1 林靖子1 豊嶋直也1 森悠一1 小形典之1 工藤豊樹1 久行友和1 若村邦彦1 林武雅1 宮地英行1 片桐敦1 工藤孝毅1 馬場俊之1 石田文生1

所属機関: 1昭和大学横浜市北部病院消化器センター

ページ範囲:P.937 - P.942


要旨●消化管診断学の分野では,内視鏡機器の開発や発達に伴い,腺口形態(pit pattern)や微細血管の観察が可能になった.内視鏡像の解像度はさらに向上し,腫瘍・非腫瘍の鑑別診断や癌の深達度診断の精度が一層高くなり,診断学や治療技術は飛躍的に向上した.一方,超拡大内視鏡(EC)や共焦点内視鏡(CLE)は生検せずにreal timeで病理診断を行うという発想をもとに誕生した次世代の内視鏡である.ECやCLEは標的粘膜にスコープ先端を接触させることで,生きた細胞の生体内診断が顕微鏡レベルまで可能である.今後も検討を重ねることで,生物の本質に迫った診断を行うことが期待される.


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22)Gabbani T, Manetti N, Bonanomi AG, et al. New endoscopic imaging techniques in surveillance of inflammatory bowel disease. World J Gastrointest Endosc 7:230-236, 2015
23)Neumann H, Vieth M, Atreya R, et al. Assessment of Crohn's disease activity by confocal laser endomicroscopy. Inflamm Bowel Dis 18:2261-2269, 2012
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25)Meining A, Chen YK, Pleskow D, et al. Direct visualization of indeterminate pancreaticobiliary strictures with probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy:a multicenter experience. Gastrointest Endosc 74:961-968, 2011
26)Konda VJ, Aslanian HR, Wallace MB, et al. First assessment of needle-based confocal laser endomicroscopy during EUS-FNA procedures of the pancreas(with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 74:1049-1060, 2011
27)Konda VJ, Meining A, Jamil LH, et al. A pilot study of in vivo identification of pancreatic cystic neoplasms with needle-based confocal laser endomicroscopy under endosonographic guidance. Endoscopy 45:1006-1013, 2013
28)Ichimasa K, Kudo S, Mori Y, et al. Double staining with crystal violet and methylene blue is appropriate for colonic endocytoscopy:an in vivo prospective pilot study. Dig Endosc 26:403-408, 2014
29)工藤進英,笹島圭太,井上晴洋,他.拡大内視鏡診断,微細診断の進歩─超拡大内視鏡EC分類.日内会誌 96:56-69, 2007
30)工藤進英,池原伸直,若村邦彦,他.大腸腫瘍性病変に対するEndocytoscopy.胃と腸 43:969-977, 2008
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34)Hosoe N, Kobayashi T, Kanai T, et al. In vivo visualization of trophozoites in patients with amoebic colitis by using a newly developed endocytoscope. Gastrointest Endosc 72:643-646, 2010
35)Ogata H, Bessho R, Takayama T, et al. 新たにintegrated endocytoscopyを用いた潰瘍性大腸炎における大腸炎のin vivo画像化と評価─従来の病理学との関連解析.日消誌 107:35, 2010
36)Maeda Y, Ohtsuka K, Kudo S, et al. Endocytoscopic narrow-band imaging efficiency for evaluation of inflammatory activity in ulcerative colitis. World J Gastroenterol 21:2108-2115, 2015
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38)Sato H, Inoue H, Hayee B, et al. In vivo histopathology using endocytoscopy for non-neoplastic changes in the gastric mucosa:a prospective pilot study(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 81:875-881, 2015
39)Sato H, Inoue H, Ikeda H, et al. In vivo gastric mucosal histopathology using endocytoscopy. World J Gastroenterol 21:5002-5008, 2015
40)Kaise M, Ohkura Y, Iizuka T, et al. Endocytoscopy is a promising modality with high diagnostic accuracy for gastric cancer. Endoscopy 47:19-25, 2015
41)Kudo S, Misawa M, Wada Y, et al. Endocytoscopic microvasculature evaluation is a reliable new diagnostic method for colorectal lesions. Gastrointest Endosc 82:912-923, 2015
42)Mori Y, Kudo SE, Wakamura K, et al. Novel computer-aided diagnostic system for colorectal lesions by using endocytoscopy(with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 81:621-629, 2015
43)Misawa M, Kudo SE, Mori Y, et al. Characterization of colorectal lesions using a computer-aided diagnostic system for narrow-band imaging endocytoscopy. Gastroenterology in press
44)Neumann H, Kudo SE, Kiesslich, et al. Advanced colonoscopic imaging using endocytoscopy. Dig Endosc 27:232-238, 2015





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