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今月の主題 表在型食道胃接合部癌の治療戦略



著者: 渡辺玄1 味岡洋一1 加藤卓1 大橋瑠子1 渡辺佳緒里1 谷優佑1 杉野英明1 福田睦1 近藤修平1 横田陽子1

所属機関: 1新潟大学医学部臨床病理学分野

ページ範囲:P.292 - P.300




1)河内洋,赤澤直樹,川田研郎,他.Barrett食道癌の病理学的特徴─接合部腺癌,噴門部胃腺癌との対比.胃と腸 46:1762-1776, 2011
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8)渡辺玄,味岡洋一.Barrett食道の病理組織学的定義.胃と腸 46:1750-1761, 2011
9)新井冨生,松田陽子,濱保英樹,他.食道胃接合部腺癌の病理学的特徴.胃と腸 50:1109-1117, 2015
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15)九嶋亮治,山田真善,谷口浩和,他.Barrett食道癌の深達度の評価と転移リスク.胃と腸 46:1777-1787, 2011
16)渡辺英伸,田邊匡,八木一芳,他.食道胃接合部癌の病理学的特徴─組織発生の面からBarrett食道癌と比較して.胃と腸 36:634-650, 2001
17)Watanabe G, Ajioka Y, Takeuchi M, et al. Intestinal metaplasia in Barrett's oesophagus may be an epiphenomenon rather than a preneoplastic condition, and CDX2-positive cardiac-type epithelium is associated with minute Barrett's tumour. Histopathology 66:201-214, 2015
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21)Taniere P, Martel-Planche G, Maurici D, et al. Molecular and clinical differences between adenocarcinomas of the esophagus and of the gastric cardia. Am J Pathol 158:33-40, 2001
22)Taniere P, Borghi-Scoazec G, Saurin JC, et al. Cytokeratin expression in adenocarcinomas of the esophagogastric junction:a comparative study of adenocarcinomas of the distal esophagus and of the proximal stomach. Am J Surg Pathol 26:1213-1221, 2002
23)van Dekken H, Geelen E, Dinjens WN, et al. Comparative genomic hybridization of cancer of the gastroesophageal junction:deletion of 14Q31-32.1 discriminates between esophageal(Barrett's)and gastric cardia adenocarcinomas. Cancer Res 59:748-752, 1999
24)田久保海誉,相田順子,櫻井うらら,他.Barrett癌と胃噴門癌の組織学的鑑別.臨外 68:400-404, 2013
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30)Kodama M, Kakegawa T. Treatment of superficial cancer of the esophagus:a summary of responses to a questionnaire on superficial cancer of the esophagus in Japan. Surgery 123:432-439, 1998
31)Liu L, Hofstetter WL, Rashid A, et al. Significance of the depth of tumor invasion and lymph node metastasis in superficially invasive(T1)esophageal adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 29:1079-1085, 2005





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