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今月の主題 小腸出血性疾患の診断と治療─最近の進歩



著者: 太田和寛1 竹内利寿1 能田貞治1 小嶋融一1 原田智1 尾崎晴彦1 原あずさ1 東野健2 樋口和秀1

所属機関: 1大阪医科大学第2内科 2春秋会城山病院消化器内科

ページ範囲:P.829 - P.836




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12)Narabayashi K, Ito Y, Eid N, et al. Indomethacin suppresses LAMP-2 expression and induces lipophagy and lipoapoptosis in rat enterocytes via the er stress pathway. J Gastroenterol 50:541-554, 2015
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14)Harada S, Nakagawa T, Yokoe S, et al. Autophagy Deficiency Diminishes Indomethacin-Induced Intestinal Epithelial Cell Damage through Activation of the ERK/Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 355:353-361, 2015
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18)Kuramoto T, Umegaki E, Nouda S, et al. Preventive effect of irsogladine or omeprazole on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced esophagitis, peptic ulcers, and small intestinal lesions in humans, a prospective randomized controlled study. BMC Gastroenterol 13:85, 2013
19)Sugimori S, Watanabe T, Tabuchi M, et al. Evaluation of small bowel injury in patients with rheumatoid arthritis by capsule endoscopy:effects of antirheumatoid arthritis drugs. Digestion 78:208-213, 2008
20)Watanabe T, Sugimori S, Kameda N, et al. Small bowel injury by low-dose enteric-coated aspirin and treatment with misoprostol:a pilot study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 6:1279-1282, 2008
21)山本博徳,緒方晴彦,松本圭之,他.小腸内視鏡診療ガイドライン.Gastroenterol Endosc 57:2685-2720, 2015
22)本多啓介,飯田三雄,小堀陽一郎,他.非ステロイド性抗炎症剤(NSAIDs)が原因と考えられた下部消化管病変の臨床的・内視鏡的検討.臨と研 77:766-770, 2000
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26)Ota K, Takeuchi T, Nouda S, et al. Determination of the adequate dosage of rebamipide, a gastric mucoprotective drug, to prevent low-dose aspirin-induced gastrointestinal mucosal injury. J Clin Biochem Nutr 59:231-237, 2016
27)Mizukami K, Murakami K, Abe T, et al. Aspirin-induced small bowel injuries and the preventive effect of rebamipide. World J Gastroenterol 17:5117-5122, 2011
28)Watanabe T, Takeuchi T, Handa O, et al. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of high-dose rebamipide treatment for low-dose aspirin-induced moderate-to-severe small intestinal damage. PLoS One 10:e0122330, 2015
29)Niwa Y, Nakamura M, Ohmiya N, et al. Efficacy of rebamipide for diclofenac-induced small-intestinal mucosal injuries in healthy subjects:a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. J Gastroenterol 43:270-276, 2008
30)Fujimori S, Takahashi Y, Gudis K, et al. Rebamipide has the potential to reduce the intensity of NSAID-induced small intestinal injury:a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial evaluated by capsule endoscopy. J Gastroenterol 46:57-64, 2011
31)Kurokawa S, Katsuki S, Fujita T, et al. A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial, healing effect of rebamipide in patients with low-dose aspirin and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced small bowel injury. J Gastroenterol 49:239-244, 2014
32)Umegaki E, Kuramoto T, Kojima Y, et al. Geranylgeranylacetone, a gastromucoprotective drug, protects against NSAID-induced esophageal, gastroduodenal and small intestinal mucosal injury in healthy subjects:A prospective randomized study involving a comparison with famotidine. Intern Med 53:283-290, 2014
33)Niwa Y, Nakamura M, Miyahara R, et al. Geranylgeranylacetone protects against diclofenac-induced gastric and small intestinal mucosal injuries in healthy subjects:a prospective randomized placebo-controlled double-blind cross-over study. Digestion 80:260-266, 2009
34)Kojima Y, Takeuchi T, Ota K, et al. Effect of long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy and healing effect of irsogladine on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced small-intestinal lesions in healthy volunteers. J Clin Biochem Nutr 57:60-65, 2015
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39)Montalto M, Gallo A, Gasbarrini A, et al. NSAID enteropathy:could probiotics prevent it? J Gastroenterol 48:689-697, 2013
40)Endo H, Higurashi T, Hosono K, et al. Efficacy of Lactobacillus casei treatment on small bowel injury in chronic low-dose aspirin users:a pilot randomized controlled study. J Gastroenterol 46:894-905, 2011
41)Inoue T, Iijima H, Arimitsu J, et al. Amelioration of small bowel injury by switching from nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to celecoxib in rheumatoid arthritis patients:a pilot study. Digestion 89:124-132, 2014
42)太田和寛,竹内利寿,小嶋融一,他.非ステロイド性抗炎症薬・低用量アスピリンによる薬剤性小腸粘膜傷害の診断・治療.消化器・肝臓内科 1:46-52, 2017





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