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今月の主題 対策型胃内視鏡検診の現状と問題点



著者: 濱島ちさと1

所属機関: 1帝京大学医療技術学部看護学科

ページ範囲:P.1163 - P.1167




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7)謝花典子,濱島ちさと,西田道弘,他,胃内視鏡検診の現状と有効性評価に向けた取り組み.日がん検診断会誌 17:229-235, 2010
8)Kim Y, Jun JK, Choi KS, et al. Overview of the national cancer screening programme and the cancer screening status in Korea. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 12:725-730, 2011
9)Hosokawa O, Miyanaga T, Kaizaki Y, et al. Decreased death from gastric cancer by endoscopic screening:association with a population-based cancer registry. Scand J Gastroenterol 43:1112-1115, 2008
10)細川治,服部昌和,武田孝之.繰り返し内視鏡検査による胃がん死亡率減少効果.日消がん検診誌 46:14-19, 2008
11)細川治,新保卓郎,松田一夫,他.任意型内視鏡検診での胃がん死亡率減少効果.日消がん検診誌 49:401-407, 2011
12)Matsumoto S, Yamasaki K, Tsuji K, et al. Results of mass endoscopic examination for gastric cancer in Kamigoto Hospital, Nagasaki Prefecture. World J Gastroenterol 13:4316-4320, 2007
13)小越和栄,成澤林太郎,加藤俊幸,他.新潟市住民に対する胃がん内視鏡検診.ENDOSC FORUM digest dis 26:5-16, 2010
14)Hamashima C, Ogoshi K, Narisawa R, et al. Impact of endoscopic screening on mortality reduction from gastric cancer. World J Gastroenterol 21:2460-2466, 2015
15)Hamashima C,Okamoto M,Shabana M, et al. Sensitivity of endoscopic screening for gastric cancer by the incidence method. Int J Cancer 133:653-659, 2013
16)Matsumoto S, Yoshida Y. Efficacy of endoscopic screening in an isolated island:a case-control study. Indian J Gastroenterol 33:46-49, 2014
17)Hamashima C, Ogoshi K, Okamoto M, et al. A community-based, case-control study evaluating mortality reduction from gastric cancer by endoscopic screening in Japan. PLoS One 8:e79088, 2013
18)Cho B. Evaluation of the validity of current national health screening programs and plans to improve the system. Seoul University, Seoul, pp741-758, 2013
19)Park HA, Nam SY, Kim SG, et al. The Korean guideline for gastric cancer screening. J Korean Med Assoc 58:373-384, 2015
20)Jun JK, Choi KS, Lee HY, et al. Effectiveness of the Korean National Cancer Screening Program in Reducing Gastric Cancer Mortality. Gastroenterology 152:1319-1328, e7, 2017
22)Chen Q, Yu L, Hao CQ, et al. Effectiveness of endoscopic gastric cancer screening in a rural area of Linzhou, China:results from a case-control study. Cancer Med 5:2615-2622, 2016
23)Hamashima C, Shabana M, Okada K, et al. Mortality reduction from gastric cancer by endoscopic and radiographic screening. Cancer Sci 106:1744-1749, 2015





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