今月の主題 消化管画像の成り立ちを知る
1)後野和弘.内視鏡画像の色を考える:毛細血管,WOS.臨消内科 29:501-505, 2014
2)Lihong VW, Hsin-i W. Capeter 1. Introduction.Lihong V. Wang, Hsin-i Wu.Biomedical Optics:Principles and Imaging. Wiley-Interscience, USA, pp 1-15, 2007
3)八尾建史.第4章 浸水観察(water immersion technique).八尾建史.動画で学ぶ胃拡大内視鏡テクニック.日本メディカルセンター,pp 23-28, 2012
4)八尾建史.第8章 NBI併用胃拡大内視鏡所見の成り立ち─腺上皮において狭帯域光は解剖学的に何をどのように視覚化するか?.八尾建史.胃拡大内視鏡.日本メディカルセンター,pp 75-87, 2009
5)八尾建史.Narrow-band imaging併用内視鏡の原理.八尾建史.胃拡大内視鏡.日本メディカルセンター,pp 67-74, 2009
6)Kanemitsu T, Yao K, Nagahama T, et al. The vessels within epithelial circle(VEC)pattern as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging(ME-NBI)is a useful marker for the diagnosis of papillary adenocarcinoma:a case-controlled study. Gastric Cancer 17:469-477,2014
7)Yao K, Iwashita A, Nambu M, et al. Nature of white opaque substance in gastric epithelial neoplasia as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging. Dig Endosc 24:419-425, 2012
8)Ueo T, Yonemasu H, Yada N, et al. White opaque substance represents an intracytoplasmic accumulation of lipid droplets:immunohistochemical and immunoelectron microscopic investigation of 26 cases. Dig Endosc 25:147-155, 2013
9)Imamura K, Yao K, Hisabe T, et al. The nature of the white opaque substance within colorectal neoplastic epithelium as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging. Endosc Int Open 4:e1151-1157, 2016
10)Yao K, Iwashita A, Tanabe H, et al. White opaque substance within superficial elevated gastric neoplasia as visualized by magnification endoscopy with narrow-band imaging:a new optical sign for differentiating between adenoma and carcinoma. Gastrointest Endosc 68:574-580, 2008
11)Hisabe T, Yao K, Imamura K, et al. White opaque substance visualized using magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band im aging in colorectal epithelial neoplasms. Dig Dis Sci 59:2544-2549, 2014
12)Hisabe T, Yao K, Imamura K, et al. Novel endoscopic findings as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging:White opaque substance is present in colorectal hyperplastic polyps. Digestion 93:127-131, 2016
13)田中三千雄,薄田勝男,大倉康男,他.十二指腸における隆起性病変の拡大観察とその診断学的意義.胃と腸 38:1709-1720, 2003
14)Yoshimura N, Goda K, Tajiri H, et al. Endoscopic features of nonampullary duodenal tumors with narrow-band imaging. Hepatogastroenterology 57:462-467, 2010
15)Yoshii S, Kato M, Honma K, et al. Esophageal adenocarcinoma with white opaque substance observed by magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging. Dig Endosc 27:392-396, 2015
16)Johnsen S, Widder EA. The physical basis of transparency in biological tissue:ultrastructure and the minimization of light scattering. J Theor Biol 199:181-198,1999