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今月の主題 大腸内視鏡拡大観察の基本と最新知見



著者: 吉田直久1 井上健1 安田律1 廣瀬亮平1 土肥統1 内藤裕二1 稲田裕2 村上貴彬3 小木曽聖4 森永友紀子5 岸本光夫5 伊藤義人1

所属機関: 1京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科消化器内科学 2市立福知山市民病院消化器内科 3JCHO京都鞍馬口医療センター消化器内科 4大阪鉄道病院消化器内科 5京都府立医科大学附属病院病院病理部

ページ範囲:P.17 - P.26




1)Osawa H, Yamamoto H. Present and future status of flexible spectral imaging color enhancement and blue laser imaging technology. Dig Endosc 26:105-115, 2014
2)Dohi O, Yagi N, Naito Y, et al. Blue laser imaging-bright improves real-time detection rate of early gastric cancer:a randomized controlled study. Gastrointest Endosc S0016-5107, 2018[Epub ahead of print]
3)Yoshida N, Dohi O, Inoue K, et al. Blue laser imaging, blue light imaging, and linked color imaging for the detection and characterization of colorectal tumors. Gut Liver 2018, in press
4)Yoshida N, Yagi N, Inada Y, et al. Ability of a novel blue laser imaging system for the diagnosis of colorectal polyps. Dig Endosc 26:250-258, 2014
5)Sano Y, Muto M, Tajiri H et al. Optical/digital chromoendoscopy during colonoscopy using narrow-band image system. Dig Endosc 17:S43-48, 2005
6)Yoshida N, Hisabe T, Inada Y, et al. The ability of a novel blue laser imaging system for the diagnosis of invasion depth of colorectal neoplasms. J Gastroenterol 49:73-80, 2014
7)吉田直久,小木曽聖,村上貴彬,他.早期癌の深達度診断IEE拡大観察(NBI・BLI).消内視鏡 28:1482-1488, 2016
8)Sano Y, Tanaka S, Kudo SE, et al. Narrow-band imaging(NBI)magnifying endoscopic classification of colorectal tumors proposed by the Japan NBI Expert Team. Dig Endosc 28:526-533, 2016
9)Nakano A, Hirooka Y, Yamamura T, et al. Comparison of the diagnostic ability of blue laser imaging magnification versus pit pattern analysis for colorectal polyps. Endosc Int Open 5:E224-231, 2017
10)Wu CH, Chen TH, Hsu CM, et al. Linked-color imaging combined with the NICE classification system for optical diagnosis of colon polyps:new image-enhanced endoscopic technology for pathological prediction. Ther Clin Risk Manag 13:1317-1321, 2017
11)Suzuki T, Hara T, Kitagawa Y, et al. Magnified endoscopic observation of early colorectal cancer by linked color imaging with crystal violet staining(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 84:726-729, 2016
12)Edelstein DL, Axilbund JE, Hylind LM, et al. Serrated polyposis:rapid and relentless development of colorectal neoplasia. Gut 62:404-408, 2013
13)Yamashina T, Takeuchi Y, Uedo N, et al. Diagnostic features of sessile serrated adenoma/polyps on magnifying narrow band imaging:a prospective study of diagnostic accuracy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 30:117-123, 2015
14)Bisschops R, Hassan C, Bhandari P, et al. BASIC(BLI Adenoma Serrated International Classification)classification for colorectal polyp characterization with blue light imaging. Endoscopy 50:211-220, 2018





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