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増刊号 消化管腫瘍の内視鏡診断2020 主題


著者: 平澤俊明12 池之山洋平1 石岡充彬1 堀江義政3 玉城温子4 並河健1 渡海義隆1 吉水祥一1 堀内裕介1 石山晃世志1 由雄敏之12 土田知宏1 藤崎順子1 瀧山博年5 多田智裕26

所属機関: 1がん研究会有明病院消化器内科 2ただともひろ胃腸科肛門科 3東邦大学医療センター大橋病院消化器内科 4松本協立病院消化器内科 5量子科学技術研究開発機構QST病院 6東京大学医学部附属病院腫瘍外科

ページ範囲:P.745 - P.750

・上部消化管内視鏡のAI診断は,病変の拾い上げ診断,癌と非癌の鑑別である質的診断,深達度診断などの量的診断,解剖学的部位診断,H. pylori感染診断など多岐にわたって研究されている.


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2)Hirasawa T, Aoyama K, Tanimoto T, et al. Application of artificial intelligence using a convolutional neural network for detecting gastric cancer in endoscopic image. Gastric Cancer 21:653-660, 2018
3)Ishioka M, Hirasawa T, Tada T. Detecting gastric cancer from video images using convolutional neural networks. Dig Endosc 31:e34-35, 2019
4)Horie Y, Yoshio T, Aoyama K, et al. Diagnostic outcomes of esophageal cancer by artificial intelligence using convolutional neural networks. Gastrointest Endosc 89:25-32, 2019
5)Wu L, Zhou W, Wan X, et al. A deep neural network improves endoscopic detection of early gastric cancer without blind spots. Endoscopy 51:522-531, 2019
6)Wu L, Zhang J, Zhou W, et al. Randomised controlled trial of WISENSE, a real-time quality improving system for monitoring blind spots during esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Gut 68:2161-2169, 2019
7)由雄敏之,堀江義政,青山和玄,他.食道領域のAI診断の最前線—食道癌拾い上げ診断の現状と拡大観察への考察.胃と腸 54:385-391, 2019
8)Kumagai Y, Takubo K, Kawada K, et al. Diagnosis using deep-learning artificial intelligence based on the endocytoscopic observation of the esophagus. Esophagus 16:180-187, 2019
9)Horiuchi Y, Aoyama K, Tokai Y, et al. Convolutional neural network for differentiating gastric cancer from gastritis using magnified endoscopy with narrow band imaging. Dig Dis Sci 2019 Oct 4 [Epub ahead of print]
10)Li L, Chen Y, Shen Z, et al. Convolutional neural network for the diagnosis of early gastric cancer based on magnifying narrow band imaging. Gastric Cancer 23:126-132, 2020
11)Nakagawa K, Ishihara R, Aoyama K, et al. Classification for invasion depth of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma using a deep neural network compared with experienced endoscopists. Gastrointest Endosc 90:407-414, 2019
12)Zhu Y, Wang QC, Xu MD, et al. Application of convolutional neural network in the diagnosis of the invasion depth of gastric cancer based on conventional endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 89:806-815, e1, 2019
13)Takiyama H, Ozawa T, Ishihara S, et al. Automatic anatomical classification of esophagogastroduodenoscopy images using deep convolutional neural networks. Sci Rep 8:7497, 2018
14)Shichijo S, Nomura S, Aoyama K, et al. Application of convolutional neural networks in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection based on endoscopic images. EBioMedicine 25:106-111, 2017





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