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今月の主題 薬剤関連消化管病変のトピックス



著者: 迎美幸1 小林清典2 川岸加奈1 別當朋広1 横山薫1 佐田美和1 小泉和三郎1

所属機関: 1北里大学医学部消化器内科学 2北里大学医学部新世紀医療開発センター

ページ範囲:P.900 - P.907




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2)田中拓也,尾木秀直,吉武義泰,他.S-1併用療法放射線療法中の口腔癌患者に生じた重篤な薬剤性腸炎の1例.日口腔外会誌 62:352-357, 2016
3)Nishimura K, Nakayama N, Tanabe S, et al. Clinical characteristics and endoscopic morphologic features of lower gastrointestinal toxicity induced by S-1, an oral fluoropyrimidine-based anticancer drug. Kitasato Med J 46:24-31, 2016
4)Benson AB, Ajani JA, Catalano RB, et al. Recommended guidelines for the treatment of cancer treatment-induced diarrhea. J Clin Oncol 22:2918-2926, 2004
5)棟方正樹,葛西雅治,今勝哉,他.ティーエスワンによると考えられた大腸炎の1例.三沢病医誌 13:27-31, 2005
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8)迎美幸,小林清典,別當朋広,他.S-1による腸管傷害.消内視鏡 31:934-938, 2019
9)上野義隆,田中信治,鼻岡理恵,他.腸型Behçet病・単純性潰瘍.消内視鏡 20:1293-1299, 2008
10)横山薫,小林清典,竹内瞳,他.Crohn病の内視鏡診断の基本.消内視鏡 20:1240-1244, 2008
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13)Innocenti F, Undevia SD, Iyer L, et al. Genetic variants in the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 gene predict the risk of severe neutropenia of irinotecan. J Clin Oncol 22:1382-1388, 2004
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16)Kurematsu N, Yoshino M, Sasaki N, et al. Survey of cholinergic symptoms in patients with colorectal cancer who were receiving irinotecan hydrochloride combination chemotherapy. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 45:1619-1623, 2018
17)伊藤智代,中出順也,嶋田努,他.進行膵がん患者に対するFOLFIRINOX療法施行時におけるコリン様症状の発現状況とリスク因子の探索.医療薬 44:403-409, 2018
18)Li Z, Ibrahim NK, Wathen JK, et al. Colitis in patients with breast carcinoma treated with taxane-based chemotherapy. Cancer 101:1508-1513, 2004
19)清水誠治,福田亘,栗田亮,他.薬剤起因性腸炎の出血—抗生剤,抗癌剤,NSAIDsなど.消内視鏡 19:45-50, 2007
20)Seewaldt VL, Cain JM, Goff BA, et al. A retrospective review of paclitaxel-associated gastrointestinal necrosis in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 67:137-140, 1997
21)Jayakody S, Wright DB, Chiong C, et al. Rectal perforation following paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer:a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Rep 12:221, 2018
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29)Simpkins F, Belinson JL, Rose PG. Avoiding bevacizumab related gastrointestinal toxicity for recurrent ovarian cancer by careful patient screening. Gynecol Oncol 107:118-123, 2007
30)Camidge DR, Bang YJ, Kwak EL, et al. Activity and safety of crizotinib in patients with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer:updated results from a phase 1 study. Lancet Oncol 13:1011-1019, 2012
31)片岡洋望,澤田武.分子標的薬による消化管粘膜傷害の現状—クリゾチニブによる食道粘膜傷害.消内視鏡 31:879-881, 2019
32)Takakuwa O, Oguri T, Yokoyama M, et al. Esophagitis resulting from treatment with crizotinib for anaplastic lymphoma kinase rearrangement-positive lung adenocarcinoma:A case report. Mol Clin Oncol 2:121-123, 2014
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34)Yoneshima Y, Okamoto I, Takano T et al. Successful treatment with alectinib after crizotinib-induced esophageal ulceration. Lung Cancer 88:349-351, 2015
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