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今月の主題 薬剤関連消化管病変のトピックス



著者: 杉本真也1 長沼誠1 福田知広1 吉松裕介1 緒方晴彦2 岩男泰3 金井隆典1

所属機関: 1慶應義塾大学医学部消化器内科 2慶應義塾大学医学部内視鏡センター 3慶應義塾大学医学部予防医療センター

ページ範囲:P.908 - P.915




1)Sugimoto S, Naganuma M, Kanai T. Indole compounds may be promising medicines for ulcerative colitis. J Gastroenterol 51:853-861, 2016
2)Sugimoto S, Naganuma M, Kiyohara H, et al. Clinical efficacy and safety of oral qing-dai in patients with ulcerative colitis:a single-center open-label prospective study. Digestion 93:193-201, 2016
3)Naganuma M, Sugimoto S, Mitsuyama K, et al. Efficacy of indigo naturalis in a multicenter randomized controlled trial of patients with ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology 154:935-947, 2018
4)Naganuma M, Sugimoto S, Suzuki H, et al. Adverse events in patients with ulcerative colitis treated with indigo naturalis:a Japanese nationwide survey. J Gastroenterol 54:891-896, 2019
5)袴塚高志.医療用漢方製剤の承認申請について.薬誌 137:163-165, 2017
6)Fukunaga K, Ohda Y, Hida N, et al. Placebo controlled evaluation of Xilei San, a herbal preparation in patients with intractable ulcerative proctitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 27:1808-1815, 2012
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8)Zelante T, Iannitti RG, Cunha C, et al. Tryptophan catabolites from microbiota engage aryl hydrocarbon receptor and balance mucosal reactivity via interleukin-22. Immunity 39:372-385, 2013
9)Kawai S, Iijima H, Shinzaki S, et al. Indigo naturalis ameliorates murine dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis via aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation. J Gastroenterol 52:904-919, 2017
10)Suzuki H, Kaneko T, Mizokami Y, et al. Therapeutic efficacy of the Qing dai in patients with intractable ulcerative colitis. World J Gastroenterol 19:2718-2722, 2013
11)Naganuma M, Sugimoto S, Fukuda T, et al. Indigo naturalis is effective even in treatment-refractory patients with ulcerative colitis:a post hoc analysis from the INDIGO study. J Gastroenterol 55:169-180, 2020
12)Kondo S, Araki T, Okita Y, et al. Colitis with wall thickening and edematous changes during oral administration of the powdered form of Qing-dai in patients with ulcerative colitis:a report of two cases. Clin J Gastroenterol 11:268-272, 2018
13)Matsuno Y, Hirano A, Esaki M. Possible association of phlebitis-induced colitis with indigo naturalis. Gastroenterology 155:576-577, 2018
14)Matsuno Y, Hirano A, Torisu T, et al. Short-term and long-term outcomes of indigo naturalis treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 35:412-417, 2020
15)Yanai S, Nakamura S, Matsumoto T. Indigo naturalis-induced colitis. Dig Endosc 30:791, 2018
16)Suo BJ, Zhou LY, Ding SG, et al. The endoscopic and clinical features of Indigo Naturalis-associated ischemic lesions of colonic mucosa. Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi 50:646-649, 2011(written in Chinese with English abstract)
17)Cervenka I, Agudelo LZ, Ruas JL. Kynurenines:Tryptophan's metabolites in exercise, inflammation, and mental health. Science 357, eaaf9794, 2017
18)Zhang ZM, Lin XC, Ma L, et al. Ischemic or toxic injury:A challenging diagnosis and treatment of drug-induced stenosis of the sigmoid colon. World J Gastroenterol 23:3934-3944, 2017
19)Urushikubo J, Yanai S, Nakamura S, et al. Efficacy of indigo naturalis therapy for ulcerative colitis:a case series. Intern Med 58:2299-2304, 2019
20)Kato J, Yoshida T, Niwa T. Blue polypoid colorectal lesions in a woman with ulcerative colitis taking Qing-dai. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 14:A32, 2016
21)Hiramatsu K, Sakata H, Horita Y, et al. Mesenteric phlebosclerosis associated with long-term oral intake of geniposide, an ingredient of herbal medicine. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 36:575-586, 2012





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