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今月の主題 早期胃癌内視鏡治療・適応のUPDATE



著者: 笹部真亜沙1 中條恵一郎1 稲場淳1 砂川弘憲1 矢野友規1

所属機関: 1国立がん研究センター東病院消化管内視鏡科

ページ範囲:P.53 - P.60




2)Hasuike N, Ono H, Boku N, et al. A non-randomized confirmatory trial of an expanded indication for endoscopic submucosal dissection for intestinal-type gastric cancer(cT1a):the Japan Clinical Oncology Group study(JCOG0607). Gastric Cancer 21:114-123, 2018
3)Oka S, Tanaka S, Kaneko I, et al. Advantage of endoscopic submucosal dissection compared with EMR for early gastric cancer. Gastrointest Endosc 64:877-883, 2006
4)Goto O, Fujishiro M, Kodashima S, et al. Is it possible to predict the procedural time of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer? J Gastroenterol Hepatol 24:379-383, 2009
5)Nagata S, Jin YF, Tomoeda M, et al. Influential factors in procedure time of endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric cancer with fibrotic change. Dig Endosc 23:296-301, 2011
6)Chung IK, Lee JH, Lee SH, et al. Therapeutic outcomes in 1000 cases of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric neoplasms:Korean ESD Study Group multicenter study. Gastrointest Endosc 69:1228-1355, 2009
7)Imagawa A, Okada H, Kawahara Y, et al. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer:results and degrees of technical difficulty as well as success. Endoscopy 38:987-990, 2006
8)辰巳功一,上堂文也,竹内洋司,他.早期胃癌ESD適応拡大病変に対する不完全切除の要因と対策.胃と腸 43:44-50, 2008
9)岡志郎,田中信治,金子巌,他.早期胃癌ESD適応拡大病変に対する不完全摘除の要因と対策.胃と腸 43:51-60, 2008
10)貝瀬満,山崎琢士,仲吉隆,他.早期胃癌に対するESD切除成績と切除困難例の特徴.胃と腸 41:45-51, 2006
11)三島利之,三宅直人,長南明道,他.早期胃癌ESD適応拡大病変に対する不完全切除例の検討.胃と腸 43:33-43, 2008
12)阿部清一郎,金城徹,草野央,他.State of the art—潰瘍合併早期胃癌に対するESD.胃がんperspective 2:98-105, 2009
13)Yano T, Hasuike N, Ono H, et al. Factors associated with technical difficulty of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer that met the expanded indication criteria:post hoc analysis of a multi institutional prospective confirmatory trial(JCOG0607). Gastric Cancer 23:168-174, 2020
14)Jeon WJ, You IY, Chae HB, et al. A new technique for gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection:peroral traction assisted endoscopic submucosal dissection. Gastrointest Endosc 69:29-33, 2009
15)Hijikata Y, Ogasawara N, Sasaki M, et al. Endoscopic submucosal dissection with sheath-assisted counter traction for early gastric cancers. Dig Endosc 22:124-128, 2010
16)Aihara H, Kumar N, Ryou M, et al. Facilitating endoscopic submucosal dissection:the suture-pulley method significantly improves procedure time and minimizes technical difficulty compared with conventional technique:an ex vivo study(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 80:495-502, 2014
17)Yoshida M, Takizawa K, Ono H, et al. Efficacy of endoscopic submucosal dissection with dental foss clip traction for gastric epithelial neoplasia:a pilot study(with video). Surg Endosc 30:3100-3106, 2016
18)Yoshida M, Takizawa K, Suzuki S, et al. Conventional versus traction-assisted endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric neoplasms:a multicenter, randomized controlled trial(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 87:1231-1240, 2018
19)山下聡,布袋屋修,野村浩介,他.マルチベンディングスコープの特徴と有用性.消内視鏡 26:1296-1298, 2014
20)飽本哲兵,後藤修,佐々木基,他.穿孔させない穹窿部あるいは胃体部大彎病変のESDのコツ.消内視鏡 28:1067-1072, 2016
21)宮原貢一,緒方伸一,富永直之.胃穹窿部と体上・中部大彎病変に対するESDにおける右側臥位の有用性.Gastroenterol Endosc 53:1482-1483, 2011
22)野中哲,小田一郎,阿部清一郎,他.胃ESDにおけるITナイフによる近位側アプローチ法.消内視鏡 61:1435-1445, 2019
23)阿部清一郎,小田一郎,居軒和也,他.胃ESD治療困難例に対するさまざまな手技の工夫.消内視鏡 30:455-462, 2018





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