今月の主題 非乳頭部十二指腸腺腫・癌の診断と治療
1)Landis CA, Masters SB, Spada A, et al. GTPase inhibiting mutations activate the alpha chain of Gs and stimulate adenylyl cyclase in human pituitary tumours. Nature 340:692-696, 1989
2)Wu J, Matthaei H, Maitra A, et al. Recurrent GNAS mutations define an unexpected pathway for pancreatic cyst development. Sci Transl Med 3:92ra66, 2011
3)Yamada M, Sekine S, Ogawa R, et al. Frequent activating GNAS mutations in villous adenoma of the colorectum. J Pathol 228:113-118, 2012
4)Nishikawa G, Sekine S, Ogawa R, et al. Frequent GNAS mutations in low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms. Br J Cancer 108:951-958, 2013
5)Matsubara A, Sekine S, Kushima R, et al. Frequent GNAS and KRAS mutations in pyloric gland adenoma of the stomach and duodenum. J Pathol 229:579-587, 2013
6)Ushiku T, Arnason T, Fukayama M, et al. Extra-ampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 38:1484-1493, 2014
7)Ishizu K, Hashimoto T, Naka T, et al. APC mutations are common in adenomas but infrequent in adenocarcinomas of the non-ampullary duodenum. J Gastroenterol 2021[Epub ahead of print]
8)Matsubara A, Ogawa R, Suzuki H, et al. Activating GNAS and KRAS mutations in gastric foveolar metaplasia, gastric heterotopia, and adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. Br J Cancer 112:1398-1404, 2015