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今月の主題 内視鏡医も知っておくべき病理診断リファレンス—下部消化管腫瘍



著者: 田中麻理子1 牛久哲男2

所属機関: 1東京大学医学部附属病院病理部 2東京大学医学系研究科人体病理学

ページ範囲:P.282 - P.287




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2)Kiremitçi S, Cans?z Ersöz C, Sava? B, et al. Gastric and small intestinal traditional serrated adenomas:a detailed morphologic and immunohistochemical analysis. Turk J Gastroenterol 31:441-450, 2020
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9)Jun SY, Kim M, Jin Gu M, et al. Clinicopathologic and prognostic associations of KRAS and BRAF mutations in small intestinal adenocarcinoma. Mod Pathol 29:402-415, 2016
10)Liao X, Li G, McBride R, et al. Clinicopathological and Molecular characterisation of Crohn's disease-associated small bowel adenocarcinomas. J Crohns Colitis 14:287-294, 2020
11)Fields AC, Hu FY, Lu P, et al. Small bowel adenocarcinoma:Is there a difference in survival for Crohn's Versus Sporadic Cases? J Crohns Colitis 14:303-308, 2020
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15)Arpa G, Grillo F, Giuffrida P, et al. Separation of low- versus high-grade Crohn's disease-associated small bowel carcinomas is improved by invasive front prognostic marker analysis. J Crohns Colitis 14:295-302, 2020
16)Rizzo F, Vanoli A, Sahnane N, et al. Small-bowel carcinomas associated with celiac disease:transcriptomic profiling shows predominance of microsatellite instability-immune and mesenchymal subtypes. Virchows Arch 476:711-723, 2020
17)Brcic I, Cathomas G, Vanoli A, et al. Medullary carcinoma of the small bowel. Histopathology 69:136-140, 2016
18)Kumagai R, Kohashi K, Takahashi S, et al. Mucinous phenotype and CD10 expression of primary adenocarcinoma of the small intestine. World J Gastroenterol 21:2700-2710, 2015
19)Schrock AB, Devoe CE, McWilliams R, et al. Genomic profiling of small-bowel adenocarcinoma. JAMA Oncol 3:1546-1553, 2017
20)Hänninen UA, Katainen R, Tanskanen T, et al. Exome-wide somatic mutation characterization of small bowel adenocarcinoma. PLoS Genet 14:e1007200, 2018
21)Salem ME, Puccini A, Grothey A, et al. Landscape of tumor mutation load, mismatch repair deficiency, and PD-L1 expression in a large patient cohort of gastrointestinal cancers. Mol Cancer Res 16:805-812, 2018
22)Wirta EV, Szeto S, Hänninen U, et al. Prognostic value of immune environment analysis in small bowel adenocarcinomas with verified mutational landscape and predisposing conditions. Cancers(Basel) 12:2018, 2020
23)Vanoli A, Di Sabatino A, Biancone L, et al. Small bowel Epstein-Barr virus-positive lympho-epithelioma-like carcinoma in Crohn's disease. Histopathology 70:837-839, 2017





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