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今月の主題 消化管疾患AI診断の現状 主題


著者: 斎藤豊1 山田真善1 坂本琢1 高丸博之1 関口正宇1 松田尚久1 岡川泰1 阿部清一郎1 水口康彦1 春日健吾1 江郷茉衣1 張萌琳1

所属機関: 1国立がん研究センター中央病院内視鏡科

ページ範囲:P.462 - P.471

要旨●大腸癌は,前癌病変である腺腫や早期癌を内視鏡的に早期発見し,切除・治療することで,大腸癌罹患率のみならず,死亡率まで減少することが証明されている.ADRがPCCRCの発生頻度と逆相関するため,AIによる見逃しのない内視鏡検査と質的診断の補助が望まれる.現在国内においてEndoBRAIN®シリーズ,CAD EYETM,WISE VISIONと3種類のAIが薬事承認され,AIによる大腸腫瘍性病変のdetection(病変発見)からcharacterization(質的診断)まで可能な時代となっている.


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2)Zauber AG, Winawer SJ, O'Brien MJ, et al. Colonoscopic polypectomy and long-term prevention of colorectal-cancer deaths. N Engl J Med 366:687-696, 2012
3)Corley DA, Jensen CD, Marks AR, et al. Adenoma detection rate and risk of colorectal cancer and death. N Engl J Med 370:1298-1306, 2014
4)Matsuda T, Fujii T, Sano Y, et al. Randomised comparison of postpolypectomy surveillance intervals following a two-round baseline colonoscopy:the Japan polyp study workgroup. Gut 2020[Epub ahead of print]
5)Yoshida H, Shimazu T, Kiyuna T, et al. Automated histological classification of whole-slide images of gastric biopsy specimens. Gastric Cancer 21:249-257, 2018
6)Misawa M, Kudo S, Mori Y, et al. Characterization of colorectal lesions using a computer-aided diagnostic system for narrow-band imaging endocytoscopy. Gastroenterology 150:1531-1532, e3, 2016
7)Tamai N, Saito Y, Kido S, et al. Effectiveness of computer-aided diagnosis of colorectal lesions using novel software for magnifying narrow-band imaging:a pilot study. Endosc Int Open 5:E690-694, 2017
8)Kodashima S, Tanaka K, Matsuda K, et al. First progress report on the Japan Endoscopy Database project. Dig Endosc 30:20-28, 2018
9)田中聖人.第6回AMED研究成果報告JED Project—日本消化器内視鏡学会多施設内視鏡データベース構築プロジェクトの結果と今後.消内視鏡 31:1723-1726, 2019
10)斎藤豊,岡志郎,河村卓二,他.大腸内視鏡スクリーニングとサーベイランスガイドライン.Gastroenterol Endosc 62:1519-1560, 2020
11)Omata F, Ohde S, Deshpande GA, et al. Image-enhanced, chromo, and cap-assisted colonoscopy for improving adenoma/neoplasia detection rate:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Gastroenterol 49:222-237, 2014
12)Desai M, Sanchez-Yague A, Choudhary A, et al. Impact of cap-assisted colonoscopy on detection of proximal colon adenomas:systematic review and meta-analysis. Gastrointest Endosc 86:274-281, 2017
13)三澤将史,工藤進英,森悠一.国内初のディープラーニングによる大腸内視鏡病変検出用AI技術“EndoBRAIN-EYE”—PMDA申請のノウハウと今後の展望,2つのシステムの承認を経て.消内視鏡 32:1059-1063, 2020
14)Yamada M, Saito Y, Imaoka H, et al. Development of a real-time endoscopic image diagnosis support system using deep learning technology in colonoscopy. Sci Rep 9:14465, 2019
15)Iwatate M, Sano Y, Tanaka S, et al. Validation study for development of the Japan NBI Expert Team classification of colorectal lesions. Dig Endosc 30:642-651, 2018
16)Sakamoto T, Nakajima T, Matsuda T, et al. Comparison of the diagnostic performance between magnifying chromoendoscopy and magnifying narrow-band imaging for superficial colorectal neoplasms:an online survey. Gastrointest Endosc 87:1318-1323, 2018
17)Yang YJ, Bang CS. Application of artificial intelligence in gastroenterology. World J Gastroenterol 25:1666-1683, 2019
18)Kudo S, Mori Y, Wakamura K, et al. Endocytoscopy can provide additional diagnostic ability to magnifying chromoendoscopy for colorectal neoplasms. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 29:83-90, 2014
19)Kudo S, Ichimasa K, Villard B, et al. Artificial intelligence system to determine risk of t1 colorectal cancer metastasis to lymph node. Gastroenterology 2020 Sep 24 ; S0016-5085(20)35208-2[Epub ahead of print]
20)Takamatsu M, Yamamoto N, Kawachi H, et al. Prediction of early colorectal cancer metastasis by machine learning using digital slide images. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 178:155-161, 2019





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