増刊号 消化管診断・治療手技のすべて2021
食道 治療
近年,内視鏡的縫合器を用いた低侵襲かつ治療効果の高い胃食道逆流症(gastroesophageal reflux disease ; GERD)の治療が報告され1)2),専用のTIF(transoral incisionless fundoplication)デバイス1)3)を用いた内視鏡治療が欧米を中心に普及しつつある.内視鏡を用いたGERDの治療の主な目標は,下部食道括約筋(lower esophageal sphincter ; LES)圧を増加させることと食道胃接合部(esophagogastric junction ; EGJ)のflap valveを再建し胃酸逆流を防ぐことにある3).
1)Barnes WE, Hoddinott KM, Mundy S, et al. Transoral incisionless fundoplication offers high patient satisfaction and relief of therapy-resistant typical and atypical symptoms of GERD in community practice. Surg Innov 18:119-129, 2011
2)Han J, Chin M, Fortinsky KJ, et al. Endoscopic augmentation of gastroesophageal junction using a full-thickness endoscopic suturing device. Endosc Int Open 6:E1120-1125, 2018
3)Bazerbachi F, Krishnan K, Abu Dayyeh BK. Endoscopic GERD therapy:a primer for the transoral incisionless fundoplication procedure. Gastrointest Endosc 90:370-383, 2019