増刊号 消化管診断・治療手技のすべて2021 胃 診断
著者: 吉田尚弘1 土山寿志1
所属機関: 1石川県立中央病院消化器内科
ページ範囲:P.620 - P.621
文献購入ページに移動 NBI併用拡大内視鏡検査(M-NBI)による早期胃癌の診断方法は,2016年に日本消化器内視鏡学会,日本消化器病学会,日本胃癌学会の3学会が合同で提唱した,早期胃癌の拡大内視鏡診断アルゴリズム(magnifying endoscopy simple diagnostic algorithm for early gastric cancer ; MESDA-G)が標準的となっている.
1)Yoshida N, Doyama H, Nakanishi H, et al. White globe appearance is a novel specific endoscopic marker for gastric cancer:a prospective study. Dig Endosc 28:59-66, 2016
2)Kanesaka T, Sekikawa A, Tsumura T, et al. Dense-type crypt opening seen on magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging is a feature of gastric adenoma. Dig Endosc 26:57-62, 2014
3)Kanesaka T, Uedo N, Yao K, et al. Multiple convex demarcation line for prediction of benign depressed gastric lesions in magnifying narrow-band imaging. Endosc Int Open 6:E145-155, 2018
4)Kanemitsu T, Yao K, Nagahama T, et al. The vessels within epithelial circle(VEC)pattern as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging(ME-NBI)is a useful marker for the diagnosis of papillary adenocarcinoma:a case-controlled study. Gastric Cancer 17:469-477, 2014