増刊号 消化管診断・治療手技のすべて2021 小腸 治療
著者: 平井郁仁1
所属機関: 1福岡大学医学部消化器内科
ページ範囲:P.707 - P.707
文献購入ページに移動 本稿では,主にCrohn病(Crohn's disease ; CD)の小腸狭窄に対する内視鏡的バルーン拡張術(endoscopic balloon dilation ; EBD)について解説する.
1)Hirai F, Beppu T, Sou S, et al. Endoscopic balloon dilation using double-balloon endoscopy is a useful and safe treatment for small intestinal strictures in Crohn's disease. Dig Endosc 22:200-204, 2010
2)Hirai F, Andoh A, Ueno F, et al. Efficacy of Endoscopic balloon dilation for small bowel strictures in patients with Crohn's Disease:a nationwide, multi-centre, open-label, prospective cohort study. J Crohns Colitis 12:394-401, 2018
3)Bettenworth D, Bokemeyer A, Kou L, et al. Systematic review with meta-analysis:efficacy of balloon-assisted enteroscopy for dilation of small bowel Crohn's disease strictures. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 52:1104-1116, 2020