今月の主題 早期大腸癌内視鏡治療の新展開
1)Yim K, Won DD, Lee IK, et al. Novel predictors for lymph node metastasis in submucosal invasive colorectal carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol 23:5936-5944, 2017
2)Kazama S, Watanabe T, Ajioka Y, et al. Tumour budding at the deepest invasive margin correlates with lymph node metastasis in submucosal colorectal cancer detected by anticytokeratin antibody CAM5.2. Br J Cancer 94:293-298, 2006
3)Yasuda K, Inomata M, Shiromizu A, et al. Risk factors for occult lymph node metastasis of colorectal cancer invading the submucosa and indications for endoscopic mucosal resection. Dis Colon Rectum 50:1370-1376, 2007
4)Pai RK, Cheng YW, Jakubowski M, et al. Colorectal carcinomas with submucosal invasion(pT1):analysis of histopathological and molecular factors predicting lymph node metastasis. Mod Pathol 30:113-122, 2017
5)Ozawa T, Kandimalla R, Gao F, et al. A microRNA signature associated with metastasis of T1 colorectal cancers to lymph nodes. Gastroenterology 154:844-848, 2018
6)菅井有,上杉憲幸,遠藤昌樹,他.深達度診断の標準化.病理と臨 28:635-641, 2010
7)菅井有,永塚真,田中義人.大腸.病理と臨 37:748-756, 2019
8)Ueno H, Ishiguro M, Nakatani E, et al. SACURA Study Group. Optimal criteria for G3(poorly differentiated)stage II colon cancer:prospective validation in a randomized controlled study(SACURA trial). Am J Surg Pathol 44:1685-1698, 2020
9)Ueno H, Ishiguro M, Nakatani E, et al. Prognostic value of desmoplastic reaction characterisation in stage II colon cancer:prospective validation in a Phase 3 study(SACURA Trial). Br J Cancer 124:1088-1097, 2021
10)Sepulveda AR, Hamilton SR, Allegra CJ, et al. Molecular biomarkers for the evaluation of colorectal cancer. Am J Clin Pathol 147:221-260, 2017
11)Deschoolmeester V, Baay M, Specenier P, et al. A review of the most promising biomarkers in colorectal cancer:one step closer to targeted therapy. Oncologist 15:699-731, 2010
12)Pritchard CC, Grady WM. Colorectal cancer molecular biology moves into clinical practice. Gut 60:116-129, 2011
13)Andreyev HJ, Norman AR, Cunningham D, et al. Kirsten ras mutations in patients with colorectal cancer:the multicenter “RASCAL” study. J Natl Cancer Inst 90:675-684, 1998
14)Andreyev HJ, Norman AR, Cunningham D, et al. Kirsten ras mutations in patients with colorectal cancer:the ‘RASCAL II' study. Br J Cancer 85:692-696, 2001
15)Russo A, Bazan V, Agnese V, et al. Prognostic and predictive factors in colorectal cancer:Kirsten Ras in CRC(RASCAL)and TP53CRC collaborative studies. Ann Oncol 16:iv44-49, 2005
16)Bourhis A, De Luca C, Cariou M, et al. Evaluation of KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutational status and microsatellite instability in early colorectal carcinomas invading the submucosa(pT1):towards an in-house molecular prognostication for pathologists? J Clin Pathol 73:741-747, 2020
17)Liebl MC, Hofmann TG. The role of p53 signaling in colorectal Cancer. Cancers(Basel) 13:2125, 2021
18)Iacopetta B. TP53 mutation in colorectal cancer. Hum Mutat 21:271-276, 2003
19)Lee S, Cho NY, Choi M, et al. Clinicopathological features of CpG island methylator phenotype-positive colorectal cancer and its adverse prognosis in relation to KRAS/BRAF mutation. Pathol Int 58:104-113, 2008
20)Peyravian N, Larki P, Gharib E, et al. The application of gene expression profiling in predictions of occult lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer patients. Biomedicines 6:27, 2018
21)Arango D, Laiho P, Kokko A, et al. Gene-expression profiling predicts recurrence in Dukes' C colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology 129:874-884, 2005
22)Sugai T, Eizuka M, Habano W, et al. Comprehensive molecular analysis based on somatic copy number alterations in intramucosal colorectal neoplasias and early invasive colorectal cancers. Oncotarget 9:22895-22906, 2018
23)Sugai T, Takahashi Y, Eizuka M, et al. Molecular profiling and genome-wide analysis based on somatic copy number alterations in advanced colorectal cancers. Mol Carcinog 57:451-461, 2018
24)Eizuka M, Sugai T, Habano W, et al. Molecular alterations in colorectal adenomas and intramucosal adenocarcinomas defined by high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays. J Gastroenterol 52:1158-1168, 2017
25)O'Connell MJ, Schaid DJ, Ganju V, et al. Current status of adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Can molecular markers play a role in predicting prognosis? Cancer 70:1732-1739, 1992
26)Jen J, Kim H, Piantadosi S, et al. Allelic loss of chromosome 18q and prognosis in colorectal cancer. N Engl J Med 331:213-221, 1994
27)Popat S, Houlston RS. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between chromosome 18q genotype, DCC status and colorectal cancer prognosis. Eur J Cancer 41:2060-2070, 2005
28)Popat S, Zhao D, Chen Z, et al. Relationship between chromosome 18q status and colorectal cancer prognosis:A prospective, blinded analysis of 280 patients. Anticancer Res 27:627-633, 2007
29)Ogino S, Nosho K, Irahara N, et al. Prognostic significance and molecular associations of 18q loss of heterozygosity:A cohort study of microsatellite stable colorectal cancers. J Clin Oncol 27:4591-4598, 2009
30)Eizuka M, Osakabe M, Sato A, et al. Dysregulation of microRNA expression during the progression of colorectal tumors. Pathol Int 70:633-643, 2020
31)Conti J, Thomas G. The role of tumour stroma in colorectal cancer invasion and metastasis. Cancers(Basel) 3:2160-2168, 2011
32)Shiga K, Hara M, Nagasaki T, et al. Cancer-associated fibroblasts:their characteristics and their roles in tumor growth. Cancers(Basel) 7:2443-2458, 2015
33)Kalluri R, Zeisberg M. Fibroblasts in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 6:392-401, 2006
34)Sugai T, Yamada N, Eizuka M, et al. Vascular invasion and stromal S100A4 expression at the invasive front of colorectal cancer are novel determinants and tumor prognostic markers. J Cancer 8:1552-1561, 2017
35)Sugai T, Uesugi N, Kitada Y, et al. Analysis of the expression of cancer-associated fibroblast- and EMT-related proteins in submucosal invasive colorectal cancer. J Cancer 9:2702-2712, 2018
36)Yamada N, Sugai T, Eizuka M, et al. Tumor budding at the invasive front of colorectal cancer may not be associated with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Hum Pathol 60:151-159, 2017
37)Sugai T, Yamada N, Osakabe M, et al. Microenvironmental markers are correlated with lymph node metastasis in invasive submucosal colorectal cancer. Histopathology 2021[Epub ahead of print]
38)Zlobec I, Lugli A. Epithelial mesenchymal transition and tumor budding in aggressive colorectal cancer:tumor budding as oncotarget. Oncotarget 1:651-661, 2010
39)McLean MH, Murray GI, Stewart KN, et al. The inflammatory microenvironment in colorectal neoplasia. PLoS One 6:e15366, 2011
40)Inagaki K, Kunisho S, Takigawa H, et al. Role of tumor-associated macrophages at the invasive front in human colorectal cancer progression. Cancer Sci 2021[Epub ahead of print]
41)Pagès F, Mlecnik B, Marliot F, et al. International validation of the consensus Immunoscore for the classification of colon cancer:a prognostic and accuracy study. Lancet 391:2128-2139, 2018