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今月の主題 大腸腫瘍診療の最前線



著者: 落合健太郎123 多田智裕23 柴田淳一23 永尾清香4 辻陽介4 藤城光弘4 石原聡一郎1

所属機関: 1東京大学医学部附属病院大腸肛門外科 2ただともひろ胃腸科肛門科 3株式会社AIメディカルサービス 4東京大学医学部附属病院消化器内科

ページ範囲:P.1298 - P.1304


要旨●大腸内視鏡検査時の腺腫検出率(ADR)は大腸癌の発生リスクと相関するため,ポリープの確実な検出と切除を行ううえで重要な指標である.近年deep learning技術の登場や医用画像のデジタル化・高解像度化,汎用計算機の高性能化に伴い,内視鏡画像診断分野においても人工知能によるコンピュータ支援診断技術(CAD)の研究開発が盛んに行われている.中でも大腸領域は複数のCADが販売開始され社会実装されつつあり,今後はリアルワールドでの性能や有用性を検討する段階に入っている.CADはその機能により病変検出支援(CADe)と,質的診断支援(CADx)に大別される.本稿ではこのうち,CADeシステムに焦点を当て,最新の研究成果,製品販売状況,今後の課題と展望について概説する.


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10)Yamada M, Saito Y, Imaoka H, et al. Development of a real-time endoscopic image diagnosis support system using deep learning technology in colonoscopy. Sci Rep 9:14465, 2019
11)Ozawa T, Ishihara S, Fujishiro M, et al. Automated endoscopic detection and classification of colorectal polyps using convolutional neural networks. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 13:1756284820910659, 2020
12)Wang P, Xiao X, Brown JRG, et al. Development and validation of a deep-learning algorithm for the detection of polyps during colonoscopy. Nat Biomed Eng 2:741-748, 2018
13)Becq A, Chandnani M, Bharadwaj S, et al. Effectiveness of a deep-learning polyp detection system in prospectively collected colonoscopy videos with variable bowel preparation quality. J Clin Gastroenterol 54:554-557, 2020
14)Wang P, Berzin TM, Glissen Brown JR, et al. Real-time automatic detection system increases colonoscopic polyp and adenoma detection rates:a prospective randomised controlled study. Gut 68:1813-1819, 2019
15)Wang P, Liu X, Berzin TM, et al. Effect of a deep-learning computer-aided detection system on adenoma detection during colonoscopy(CADe-DB trial):a double-blind randomised study. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 5:343-351, 2020
16)Luo Y, Zhang Y, Liu M, et al. Artificial intelligence-assisted colonoscopy for detection of colon polyps:a prospective, randomized cohort study. J Gastrointest Surg 25:2011-2018, 2021
17)Repici A, Spadaccini M, Antonelli G, et al. Artificial intelligence and colonoscopy experience:lessons from two randomised trials. Gut 71:757-765, 2021
18)Xu L, He X, Zhou J, et al. Artificial intelligence-assisted colonoscopy:A prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled trial of polyp detection. Cancer Med 10:7184-7193, 2021
19)Wang A, Mo J, Zhong C, et al. Artificial intelligence-assisted detection and classification of colorectal polyps under colonoscopy:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Transl Med 9:1662, 2021
20)Barua I, Vinsard DG, Jodal HC, et al. Artificial intelligence for polyp detection during colonoscopy:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endoscopy 53:277-284, 2021
21)Zhang Y, Zhang X, Wu Q, et al. Artificial intelligence-aided colonoscopy for polyp detection:a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 31:1143-1149, 2021
22)Huang D, Shen J, Hong J, et al. Effect of artificial intelligence-aided colonoscopy for adenoma and polyp detection:a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Int J Colorectal Dis 37:495-506, 2022
23)Zorzi M, Hassan C, Battagello J, et al. Adenoma detection by Endocuff-assisted versus standard colonoscopy in an organized screening program:the“ItaVision”randomized controlled trial. Endoscopy 54:138-147, 2022
24)Su JR, Li Z, Shao XJ, et al. Impact of a real-time automatic quality control system on colorectal polyp and adenoma detection:a prospective randomized controlled study(with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 91:415-424, 2020
25)Gong D, Wu L, Zhang J, et al. Detection of colorectal adenomas with a real-time computer-aided system(ENDOANGEL):a randomised controlled study. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 5:352-361, 2020
26)Saito H, Tanimoto T, Ozawa T, et al. Automatic anatomical classification of colonoscopic images using deep convolutional neural networks. Gastroenterol Rep(Oxf) 9:226-233, 2020
27)オリンパス株式会社.EndoBRAIN. https://www.olympus-medical.jp/gastroenterology/ai/endobrain(2022年7月5日閲覧)
28)Weigt J, Repici A, Antonelli G, et al. Performance of a new integrated computer-assisted system(CADe/CADx)for detection and characterization of colorectal neoplasia. Endoscopy 54:180-184, 2022
29)FDA. FDA authorizes marketing of first device that uses artificial intelligence to help detect potential signs of colon cancer. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-authorizes-marketing-first-device-uses-artificial-intelligence-help-detect-potential-signs-colon
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31)Mori Y, Kudo SE, East JE, et al. Cost savings in colonoscopy with artificial intelligence-aided polyp diagnosis:an add-on analysis of a clinical trial(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 92:905-911, 2020





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