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今月の主題 炎症性腸疾患の粘膜治癒を再考する



著者: 江﨑幹宏1

所属機関: 1佐賀大学医学部内科学講座消化器内科

ページ範囲:P.121 - P.122


 炎症性腸疾患(inflammatory bowel disease ; IBD)は,再発性・持続性の炎症により腸管へのダメージが蓄積し,種々の腸管合併症や炎症性発癌を来す慢性疾患として捉えられている.従来,内科治療ではIBDの腸管予後を改善することは困難と考えられていた.しかし,抗TNFα(tumor necrosis factor α)抗体製剤に代表される内科治療の進歩により,多くの症例で“症状の改善”だけでなく“腸管傷害の改善”を目指すことが可能となってきた.現時点では,抗TNFα抗体製剤のIBD腸管予後改善効果を直接証明した報告はないが,長期予後改善の観点から治療目標を設定し治療の適正化を図るT2T(treat to target)ストラテジー1)の実践が可能となったことは,IBD診療における大きな進歩であろう.
 STRIDE II(selecting therapeutic target in inflammatory bowel disease II)では,IBD診療における長期目標として,患者QOL(quality of life)の正常化,身体的障害の消失に加えて内視鏡的治癒が挙げられている2).しかし,内視鏡的治癒を長期目標とすることに対して概ねコンセンサスが得られている潰瘍性大腸炎(ulcerative colitis ; UC)においても,評価方法や定義の問題,組織学的治癒を目指すことの是非が議論されている.Crohn病(Crohn's disease ; CD)においては,小腸病変評価の必要性,腸管合併症を有する症例における画像評価の問題,全層性治癒評価の妥当性といった解決すべき多くの問題がある.


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2)Turner D, Ricciuto A, Lewis A, et al. STRIDE-II:An update on the selecting therapeutic targets in inflammatory bowel disease(STRIDE)initiative of the international organization for the study of IBD(IOIBD):Determining therapeutic goals for treat-to-target strategies in IBD. Gastroenterology 160:1570-1583, 2021
3)Barreiro-de Acosta M, Valleijo N, de la Iglesia D, et al. Evaluation of the risk of relapse in ulcerative colitis according to the degree of mucosal healing(Mayo 0 vs 1):a longitudinal cohort study. J Crohns Colitis 10:13-19, 2016
4)Osterman MT, Scott FI, Fogt FF, et al. Endoscopic and histological assessment, correlation, and relapse in clinically quiescent ulcerative colitis(MARQUEE). Inflamm Bowel Dis 27:207-214, 2021
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6)Uchiyama K, Takagi T, Kashiwagi S, et al. Assessment of endoscopic mucosal healing of ulcerative colitis using linked colour imaging, a novel endoscopic enhancement system. J Crohns Colitis 11:963-969, 2017
7)Maeda Y, Kudo S-E, Mori Y, et al. Fully automated diagnostic system with artificial intelligence using endocytoscopy to identify the presence of histologic inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 89:408-415, 2019
8)Bossuyt P, Nakase H, Vermeire S, et al. Automatic, computer-aided determination of endoscopic and histological inflammation in patients with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis based on red density. Gut 69:1778-1786, 2020
9)Kanmura S, Tanaka A, Yutsudou K, et al. Significance of linked color imaging for predicting the risk of clinical relapse in ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2020:3108690, 2020
10)Takenaka K, Fujii T, Suzuki K, et al. Small bowel healing detected by endoscopy in patients with Crohn's disease after treatment with antibodies against tumor necrosis factor. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 18:1545-1552, 2020
11)Takabayashi K, Hosoe N, Kato M, et al. Significance of endoscopic deep small bowel evaluation using balloon-assisted enteroscopy for Crohn's disease in clinical remission. J Gastroenterol 56:25-33, 2021
12)Castiglione F, Imperatore N, Testa A, et al. One-year clinical outcomes with biologics in Crohn's disease:transmural healing compared with mucosal or no healing. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 49:1026-1039, 2019





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