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今月の主題 鋸歯状病変関連の早期大腸癌 主題


著者: 村上敬1 樺映志1 粟津崇仁1 野村慧1 黒澤太郎1 芳賀慶一1 福嶋浩文1 竹田努1 澁谷智義1 八尾隆史2 永原章仁1

所属機関: 1順天堂大学消化器内科 2順天堂大学人体病理病態学講座

ページ範囲:P.159 - P.168



1)Murakami T, Akazawa Y, Yatagai N, et al. Molecular characterization of sessile serrated adenoma/polyps with dysplasia/carcinoma based on immunohistochemistry, next-generation sequencing, and microsatellite instability testing:a case series study. Diagn Pathol 13:88, 2018
2)Pai RK, Mäkinen MJ, Rosty C. Colorectal serrated lesions and polyps. In WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board(eds). WHO Classification of Tumours, Digestive System Tumours, 5th ed. IARC press, Lyon, pp 163-169, 2019
3)八尾隆史,菅井有,岩下明德,他.大腸SSA/Pの病理組織学的特徴と診断基準—大腸癌研究会プロジェクト研究から.胃と腸 46:442-448, 2011
4)Murakami T, Kurosawa T, Fukushima H, et al. Sessile serrated lesions:clinicopathological characteristics, endoscopic diagnosis, and management. Dig Endosc 34:1096-1109, 2022
5)Lash RH, Genta RM, Schuler CM. Sessile serrated adenomas:prevalence of dysplasia and carcinoma in 2139 patients. J Clin Pathol 63:681-686, 2010
6)Matsumoto T, Mizuno M, Shimizu M, et al. Clinicopathological features of serrated adenoma of the colorectum:comparison with traditional adenoma. J Clin Pathol 52:513-516, 1999
7)Murakami T, Mitomi H, Yao T, et al. Distinct histopathological characteristics in colorectal submucosal invasive carcinoma arising in sessile serrated adenoma/polyp and conventional tubular adenoma. Virchows Arch 472:383-393, 2018
8)Murakami T, Sakamoto N, Nagahara A. Endoscopic diagnosis of sessile serrated adenoma/polyp with and without dysplasia/carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol 24:3250-3259, 2018
9)Murakami T, Sakamoto N, Ritsuno H, et al. Distinct endoscopic characteristics of sessile serrated adenoma/polyp with and without dysplasia/carcinoma. Gastrointest Endosc 85:590-600, 2017
10)蔵本昌之,久保雅裕.LCI(Linked Color Imaging).田尻久雄(監),加藤元嗣,井上晴洋,田中信治,他(編).新しい診断基準・分類に基づいたNBI/BLI/LCI内視鏡アトラス.日本メディカルセンター,pp 282-284, 2016
11)Suzuki T, Hara T, Kitagawa Y, et al. Linked-color imaging improves endoscopic visibility of colorectal nongranular flat lesions. Gastrointest Endosc 86:692-697, 2017
12)Min M, Deng P, Zhang W, et al. Comparison of linked color imaging and white-light colonoscopy for detection of colorectal polyps:a multicenter, randomized, crossover trial. Gastrointest Endosc 86:724-730, 2017
13)Paggi S, Mogavero G, Amato A, et al. Linked color imaging reduces the miss rate of neoplastic lesions in the right colon:a randomized tandem colonoscopy study. Endoscopy 50:396-402, 2018
14)Oliveira Dos Santos CE, Malaman D, Pereira-Lima JC, et al. Impact of linked-color imaging on colorectal adenoma detection. Gastrointest Endosc 90:826-834, 2019
15)Yoshida N, Hisabe T, Ikematsu H, et al. Comparison between linked color imaging and blue laser imaging for improving the visibility of flat colorectal polyps:a multicenter pilot study. Dig Dis Sci 65:2054-2062, 2020
16)Shinozaki S, Kobayashi Y, Hayashi Y, et al. Colon polyp detection using linked color imaging compared to white light imaging:Systematic review and meta-analysis. Dig Endosc 32:874-881, 2020
17)Paggi S, Radaelli F, Senore C, et al. Linked-color imaging versus white-light colonoscopy in an organized colorectal cancer screening program. Gastrointest Endosc 92:723-730, 2020
18)Murakami T, Kamba E, Nomura K, et al. Linked color imaging improves visibility of colorectal serrated lesion by high color contrast to surrounding mucosa. Dig Endosc 34:1422-1432, 2022





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