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今月の主題 十二指腸拡大内視鏡の最新知見



著者: 中山敦史1 加藤元彦2 岩田賢太郎13 宮﨑蔵人13 増永哲平1 窪澤陽子13 水谷真理13 高取祐作1 松浦倫子1 矢作直久1

所属機関: 1慶應義塾大学医学部腫瘍センター低侵襲療法研究開発部門 2慶應義塾大学病院内視鏡センター 3慶應義塾大学医学部消化器内科

ページ範囲:P.1003 - P.1008


要旨●筆者らが表在型非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(SNADET)における腺腫と癌の内視鏡鑑別診断について検討した結果,癌と診断しうる病変は,①部位が十二指腸球部〜Vater乳頭より近位側の下行部,②腫瘍径が大きい,③表面構造closed-loop structureを呈する,④WOS陰性である傾向にあった.粘液形質との関連についての報告では,胃型形質が近位側十二指腸,特に球部に多く,隆起型を呈し,癌の割合が多かった.また腸型形質ではWOS陽性が多く,それぞれの粘液形質で異なる表面構造を呈した.現時点では,SNADETの内視鏡診断は表面構造ごとの分類や粘液形質を想定した診断を考慮するのが適切ではないかと考えている.


1)Toba T, Inoshita N, Kaise M, et al. Clinicopathological features of superficial non-ampurally duodenal epithelial tumor ; gastric phenotype of histology correlates to higher malignant potency. J Gastroenterol 53:64-70, 2018
2)Muto M, Yao K, Kaise M, et al. Magnifying endoscopy simple diagnostic algorithm for early gastric cancer(MESDA-G). Dig Endosc 28:379-393, 2016
3)Sano Y, Tanaka S, Kudo S, et al. Narrow-band imaging(NBI)magnifying endoscopic classification of colorectal tumors proposed by the Japan NBI Expert Team. Dig Endosc 28:526-533, 2016
4)Oyama T, Inoue H, Arima M, et al. Prediction of the invasion depth of superficial squamous cell carcinoma based on microvessel morphology:magnifying endoscopic classification of the Japan Esophageal Society. Esophagus 14:105-112, 2017
5)Nakayama A, Kato M, Takatori Y, et al. How I do it:Endoscopic diagnosis for superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors. Dig Endosc 32:417-424, 2020
6)Nakayama A, Kato M, Masunaga T, et al. Differential diagnosis of superficial duodenal epithelial tumor and non-neoplastic lesion in duodenum by magnified endoscopic examination with image-enhanced endoscopy. J Gastroenterol 57:164-173, 2022
7)菊池大輔,布袋屋修,飯塚敏郎,他.十二指腸上皮性腫瘍の内視鏡診断—NBI拡大内視鏡を用いた十二指腸非乳頭部腫瘍の診断.胃と腸 51:1566-1574, 2016
8)Kakushima N, Kanemoto H, Sasaki K, et al. Endoscopic and biopsy dioagnoses of superficial, nonampullary, duodenal adenocarcinomas. World J Gastroenterol 21:5560-5567, 2015
9)Goda K, Kikuchi D, Yamamoto Y, et al. Endoscopic diagnosis of superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors in Japan:Multicenter case series. Dig Endosc 26(Suppl 2):23-29, 2014
10)Kinoshita S, Nishizawa T, Ochiai Y, et al. Accuracy of biopsy for the preoperative diagnosis of superficial nonampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma. Gastrointest Endosc 86:329-332, 2017
11)Ushiku T, Arnason T, Fukayama M, et al. Extra-ampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 38:1484-1493, 2014
12)Matsubara A, Ogawa R, Suzuki H, et al. Activating GNAS and KRAS mutations in gastric foveolar metaplasia, gastric heterotopia, and adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. Br J Cancer 112:1398-1404, 2015
13)九嶋亮二,向所賢一,塚下しづき,他.胃型分化型早期胃癌の分子生物学的特徴.胃と腸 38:707-721, 2003
14)Akazawa Y, Ueyama H, Tsuyama S, et al. Endoscopic and clinicopathological features of superficial non-ampullary duodenal tumor based on the mucin phenotypes. Digestion 102:663-670, 2021





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