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今月の主題 十二指腸拡大内視鏡の最新知見



著者: 郷田憲一1 阿部圭一朗1 近藤真之1 金森瑛1 吉永智則1 石川学1 山口真太朗1 久野木康仁1 菅谷武史1 富永圭一1 鈴木統裕1 漆原史彦1 石田和之2 増山仁徳3 長崎秀彰4 入澤篤志1

所属機関: 1獨協医科大学内科学(消化器)講座 2獨協医科大学病理診断科 3増山胃腸科クリニック 4長崎病院外科・消化器科

ページ範囲:P.1010 - P.1023


要旨●最近,本邦における非乳頭部十二指腸癌の罹患率が欧米に比し高いことが判明した.実際に本邦における日常臨床で表在性非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(SNADET)に遭遇する機会は急速に増加している.近年,胃・十二指腸上皮性腫瘍の粘液形質が免疫組織化学的に解析可能となり,粘液形質に基づいたSNADETの臨床病理学的特徴が徐々に明らかとなってきた.粘液形質およびHelicobacter pylori感染状態と,拡大内視鏡所見を含めたSNADETの臨床病理像との関連性について探索的に検討した結果も踏まえ,現時点での筆者らの見解を述べたい.


1)Yoshida M, Yabuuchi Y, Kakushima N, et al ; Japan Duodenal Cancer Guideline Committee. The incidence of non-ampullary duodenal cancer in Japan:The first analysis of a national cancer registry. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 36:1216-1221, 2021
2)Reis CA, David L, Correa P, et al. Intestinal metaplasia of human stomach displays distinct patterns of mucin(MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC6)expression. Cancer Res 59:1003-1007, 1999
3)Minatsuki C, Yamamichi N, Inada, K, et al. Expression of gastric markers is associated with malignant potential of nonampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma. Dig Dis Sci 63:2617-2625, 2018
4)Ushiku T, Arnason T, Fukayama M, et al. Extra-ampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 38:1484-1493, 2014
5)Mitsuishi T, Hamatani S, Hirooka S, et al. Clinicopathological characteristics of duodenal epithelial neoplasms:Focus on tumors with a gastric mucin phenotype(pyloric gland-type tumors). PLoS One 12:e0174985, 2017
6)Kakushima N, Ono H, Yoshida M, et al. Characteristics and risk factors for sporadic non-ampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma. Scand J Gastroenterol 52:1253-1257, 2017
7)川崎梓,辻国広,辻重継,他.表在性非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍におけるH. pylori感染とH. pylori未感染の違い.Helicobacter Res 26:58-61, 2022
8)Yoshimura N, Goda K, Tajiri H, et al. Endoscopic features of nonampullary duodenal tumors with narrow-band imaging. Hepatogastroenterology 57:462-467, 2010
9)Hara Y, Goda K, Hirooka S, et al. Association between endoscopic milk-white mucosa, epithelial intracellular lipid droplets, and histological grade of superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors. Diagnostics(Basel) 11:769, 2021
10)Kimura K, Takemoto T. An endoscopic recognition of the atrophic border and its significance in chronic gastritis. Endoscopy 3:87-97, 1969
11)乾正幸,大和田進,乾純和.ハイブリッドABCを用いた胃がんリスク層別化の胃がん検診における有用性評価.日消がん検診誌 58:25-34, 2020
12)吉水祥一,河内洋,山本頼正,他.非乳頭部十二指腸SM癌の12例.胃と腸 54:1131-1140, 2019
13)Akazawa Y, Ueyama H, Tsuyama S, et al. Endoscopic and clinicopathological features of superficial non-ampullary duodenal tumor based on the Mucin phenotypes. Digestion 102:663-670, 2021
14)Toya Y, Endo M, Akasaka R, et al. Clinicopathological features and magnifying chromoendoscopic findings of non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors. Digestion 97:219-227, 2018
15)九嶋亮治.胃型形質を示す胃・十二指腸腫瘍—疾患概念の略史と今日的分類.胃と腸 57:1495-1498, 2022





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