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今月の主題 大腸ポリープのすべて



著者: 伴慎一1 椎名愛優1 佐藤陽子1 松嶋惇1 佐藤泰樹1 藤井晶子1

所属機関: 1獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター病理診断科

ページ範囲:P.182 - P.196




1)平田一郎,梅垣英次,林勝吉,他.消化管脂肪腫の診断と治療.胃と腸 39:601-611, 2004
2)Pickhardt PJ, Kim DH, Menias CO, et al. Evaluation of submucosal lesions of the large intestine:part 1. Neoplasms. Radiographics 27:1681-1692, 2007
3)Crocetti D, Sapienza P, Sterpetti AV, et. al. Surgery for symptomatic colon lipoma:a systematic review of the literature. Anticancer Res 34:6271-6276, 2014
4)佐藤力弥,川村武,佐々木邦明,他.腸重積をきたした横行結腸巨大脂肪腫の1例.日臨外会誌 73:613-617, 2012
5)Katsinelos P, Chatzimavroudis G, Zavos C, et al. Cecal lipoma with pseudomalignant features:a case report and review of the literature. World J Gastroenterol 13:2510-2513, 2007
6)Caliskan A, Kohlmann WK, Affolter KE, et al. Intramucosal lipomas of the colon implicate Cowden syndrome. Mod Pathol 31:643-651, 2018
7)Miettinen M, Sarlomo-Rikala M, Sobin LH. Mesenchymal tumors of muscularis mucosae of colon and rectum are benign leiomyomas that should be separated from gastrointestinal stromal tumors--a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of eighty-eight cases. Mod Pathol 14:950-956, 2001
8)Hechtman JF, Harpaz N. Neurogenic polyps of the gastrointestinal tract:a clinicopathologic review with emphasis on differential diagnosis and syndromic associations. Arch Pathol Lab Med 139:133-139, 2015
9)Miettinen M, Shekitka KM, Sobin LH. Schwannomas in the colon and rectum:a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 20 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 25:846-855, 2001
10)Singhi AD, Montgomery EA. Colorectal granular cell tumor:a clinicopathologic study of 26 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 34:1186-1192, 2010
11)An S, Jang J, Min K, et al. Granular cell tumor of the gastrointestinal tract:histologic and immunohistochemical analysis of 98 cases. Hum Pathol 46:813-819, 2015
12)小沢俊文.下行結腸に生じた神経節細胞腫の1例.日消誌 105:543-549, 2008
13)吉井新二,間部克裕,藤田昌宏,他.盲腸に発生した神経節細胞腫の1例.胃と腸 51:117-123, 2016
14)村上敬,八尾隆史,坂本直人,他.perineurioma.胃と腸 52:812-815, 2017
15)Bohlok A, El Khoury M, Bormans A, et al. Schwannoma of the colon and rectum:a systematic literature review. World J Surg Oncol 16:125, 2018
16)伴慎一,佐藤陽子,松嶋惇,他.下部消化管を通じて:GIST.胃と腸 56:364-370, 2021
17)伴慎一,今田浩生,飯田俊,他.粘膜下腫瘍.胃と腸 52:53-62, 2017
18)Yamamoto H, Handa M, Tobo T, et al. Clinicopathological features of primary leiomyosarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract following recognition of gastrointestinal stromal tumours. Histopathology 63:194-207, 2013
19)古賀秀樹,清水香代子,垂水研一,他.消化管脈管系腫瘍(血管腫・リンパ管腫)の診断と治療.胃と腸 39:612-627, 2004
20)Levy AD, Abbott RM, Rohrmann CA Jr, et al. Gastrointestinal hemangiomas:imaging findings with pathologic correlation in pediatric and adult patients. AJR Am J Roentgenol 177:1073-1081, 2001
21)Carmen González-Vela M, Fernando Val-Bernal J, Francisca Garijo M, et al. Pyogenic granuloma of the sigmoid colon. Ann Diagn Pathol 9:106-109, 2005
22)Yao T, Nagai E, Utsunomiya T, et al. An intestinal counterpart of pyogenic granuloma of the skin. A newly proposed entity. Am J Surg Pathol 19:1054-1060, 1995
23)松島誠,黒水丈次,岡本康介,他.悪性黒色腫.胃と腸 51:374-377, 2016
24)栗原浩幸,金井忠男,金井慎一郎,他.悪性黒色腫.胃と腸 53:996-998, 2018
25)Miettinen M, Paal E, Lasota J, et al. Gastrointestinal glomus tumors:a clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic study of 32 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 26:301-311, 2002





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