増大号 消化管疾患の分類2024
十二指腸 十二指腸腺腫・腺癌(上皮性腫瘍)
十二指腸上皮性腫瘍の内視鏡分類として統一されたものは存在しない.したがって,本項では表在型非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors ; SNADETs)の内視鏡分類のうち代表的なものを概説する.
十二指腸上皮性腫瘍の内視鏡分類として統一されたものは存在しない.したがって,本項では表在型非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors ; SNADETs)の内視鏡分類のうち代表的なものを概説する.
1)Yamasaki Y, Takeuchi Y, Kanesaka T, et al. Differentiation between duodenal neoplasms and non-neoplasms using magnifying narrow-band imaging- Do we still need biopsies for duodenal lesions? Dig Endosc 32:84-95, 2020
2)Nakayama A, Kato M, Masunaga T, et al. Differential diagnosis of superficial duodenal epithelial tumor and non-neoplastic lesion in duodenum by magnified endoscopic examination with image-enhanced endoscopy. J Gastroenterol 57:164-173, 2022
3)Kakushima N, Yoshida M, Iwai T, et al. A simple endoscopic scoring system to differentiate between duodenal adenoma and carcinoma. Endosc Int Open 5:E763-768, 2017
4)Ishii R, Ohata K, Sakai E, et al. Simple scoring system for the diagnosis of superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors. Dig Endosc 33:399-407, 2021
5)Toya Y, Endo M, Matsumoto T. Revised diagnostic algorithm of magnifying endoscopy with crystal violet staining for non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors. Dig Endosc 34:245, 2022