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連載 日本の整形外科100年 11(最終回)


著者: 廣谷速人1

所属機関: 1島根医科大学

ページ範囲:P.1302 - P.1306





1)Bery DJ, Berger RA, Callaghan JJ, et al:Minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:2235-2246, 2003
2)Berry DJ:“Minmaly invasive” total hip arthro-plasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:699-700, 2005
3)Boden SD, Einhorn TA, Morgan TS, et al:The future of the orthopaedic surgeon―Proceduralist or keeper of the musculoskeletal system? J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:2812-2821, 2005
4)Braasch JW:The lost sheep. Arch Surg 121:385-390, 1986
5)Burton AW, Mendel E:Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. Pain Physician 6:335-343, 2003
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7)Caplan AI:Review:mesenchymal stem cells:cell-based reconstructive therapy in orthopedics. Tissue Eng 11:1198-1211, 2005
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10)Evans C, Rosier RN:Molecular biology in ortho-pardics:the advent of molecular orthopaedics. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:2550-2564, 2005
11)Gobezie R, Millett PJ, Sarracino DS, et al:Proteomics:Applications to the study of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 14:325-332, 2006
12)Hadjipavlou AG, Tzermiadianos MN, Katonis PG, et al:Percutaneous vertebroplasty and ballon kyphoplasty for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures and osteolytic tumours. J Bone Joint Surg Br 87:1595-1604, 2006
13)Hing KA:Bone repair in the twenty-first century:biology, chemistry or engineering? Phil Trans R Soc Lond A 362:2821-2850, 2004
14)Hirotani H:Quo vadis? The future of basic research in orthopedics in Japan. J Orthop Sci 4:1-4, 1999
15)廣谷速人:日本の整形外科の100年:第9回 技術革新で変貌を遂げた整形外科―整形外科領域における画像診断の技術革新.臨整外41:1082-1086, 2006
16)廣谷速人:日本の整形外科の100年:第10回 整形外科学における基礎医学の発展.臨整外41:1160-1164,2006
17)Hochmuth K, Proschek D, Schwarz W, et al:Percutaneous vertebroplasty in the therapy of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures:a critical review. Eur Radiol 16:998-1004, 2006
18)Hulme PA, Krebs J, Fergason SJ, et al:Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty:A systemic review of 69 clinical studies. Spine 31:1983-2001, 2006
19)Karlsson MK, Hasserius R, Gerdhem P, et al:New treatment strategies for fractures in the osteoporotic spine. Acta Orthop 76:620-627, 2005
20)Kellerman AL:Crisis in the emergency department. New Engl J Med 355:1300-1303, 2006
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22)Obremskey WT, Pappas N, Attallah-Wasif E, et al:Level of evidence in orthopaedic journals. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:2632-2638, 2005
23)Sarmiento A:The future of our specialty. Orthopedic and its Trojan horse. Acta Orthop Scand 71:574-579, 2000
24)Sarmiento A:Subspecialization in orthopaedics. Has it been all for the better? J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:369-373, 2003.
25)Sequeiros R, Binkert CA, Carrino JA:Bone augmentation:past, present, and future. Semin Musculoskel Rad 10:111-123, 2006
26)朱夏:Lost sheep.整形外科37:1378, 1986
29)Toolan BC:Current concepts review:Orthobiologics. Foot Ankel Inter 27:561-566, 2006
30)Yamauchi Y:Quo vadis, orthopaedic surgeons in Japan? J Orthop Sci 9:223-224, 2004
31)山内裕雄,国分正一,角南義文・他:日本の整形外科を考える(第76回日本整形外科学会特別企画より).臨整外39:322-327, 2004
32)Wheeler R:One person's innovation is another's experiment. BMJ 320:1548, 2000





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