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誌上シンポジウム 椎間板研究の最前線


著者: 大場哲郎1

所属機関: 1山梨大学医学部整形外科学講座

ページ範囲:P.981 - P.985

 椎間板変性メカニズムにサイトカインが深く関与していることは古くから研究されており,原因サイトカインの同定は新規治療ターゲットとして有効であり,抗サイトカイン療法として期待されてきた.その中でも血管新生や軟骨基質の分解メカニズムに深く関与するサイトカインである血管内皮細胞増殖因子(VEGF)とマトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ(MMP)はtarget moleculeとして注目されてきた.まだ臨床応用には至っていないが,これまでに多くの研究が報告されている.本稿では当科の研究成果に文献的考察を加えて述べたい.


1) Melrose J, Roberts S, Smith S, et al. Increased nerve and blood vessel ingrowth associated with proteoglycan depletion in an ovine anular lesion model of experimental disc degeneration. Spine 2002;27:1278-85.
2) Roberts S, Evans H, Trivedi J, et al. Histology and pathology of the human intervertebral disc. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88 Suppl 2:10-4.
3) Choi H, Tessier S, Silagi ES, et al. A novel mouse model of intervertebral disc degeneration shows altered cell fate and matrix homeostasis. Matrix Biol 2018;70:102-122
4) Kwon WK, Moon HJ, Kwon TH, et al. The role of hypoxia in angiogenesis and extracellular matrix regulation of intervertebral disc cells during inflammatory reactions. Neurosurgery 2017;81:867-75.
5) Capossela S, Bertolo A, Gunasekera K, et al. VEGF vascularization pathway in human intervertebral disc does not change during the disc degeneration process. BMC Res Notes 2018;11:333.
6) Moon HJ, Yurube T, Lozito TP, et al. Effects of secreted factors in culture medium of annulus fibrosus cells on microvascular endothelial cells:Elucidating the possible pathomechanisms of matrix degradation and nerve in-growth in disc degeneration. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2014;22:344-54.
7) Kwon WK, Moon HJ, Kwon TH, et al. Influence of rabbit notochordal cells on symptomatic intervertebral disc degeneration:anti-angiogenic capacity on human endothelial cell proliferation under hypoxia. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2017;25:1738-46.
8) Sato J, Inage K, Miyagi M, et al. Inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor in injured intervertebral discs attenuates pain-related neuropeptide expression in dorsal root ganglia in rats. Asian Spine J 2017;11:556-61.
9) Wako M, Haro H, Ando T, et al. Novel function of TWEAK in inducing intervertebral disc degeneration. J Orthop Res 2007;25:1438-46.
10) Ohba T, Haro H, Ando T, et al. TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB signaling reverses age-related declines in VEGF induction and angiogenic activity in intervertebral disc tissues. J Orthop Res 2009;27:229-35.
11) Wako M, Ohba T, Ando T, et al. Mechanism of signal transduction in tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis-induced matrix degradation by MMP-3 upregulation in disc tissues. Spine 2008;33:2489-94.
12) Fujita K, Ando T, Ohba T, et al. Age-related expression of MCP-1 and MMP-3 in mouse intervertebral disc in relation to TWEAK and TNF-alpha stimulation. J Orthop Res 2012;30:599-605.





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