増大号特集 臨床整形超音波学—エコー新時代、到来。
5 達人オススメ! PTに学ぶ身体所見
1) Mochizuki T, Sugaya H, Uomizu M, et al. Humeral insertion of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus. New anatomical findings regarding the footprint of the rotator cuff. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2008;90(5):962-9.
2) O'Brien SJ, Neves MC, Arnoczky SP, et al. The anatomy and histology of the inferior glenohumeral ligament complex of the shoulder. Am J Sports Med 1990;18(5):449-56.
3) Shimura H, Nimura A, Nasu H, et al. Joint capsule attachment to the coronoid process of the ulna:an anatomic study with implications regarding the type 1 fractures of the coronoid process of the O'Driscoll classification. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2016;25(9):1517-22.
4) Tsutsumi M, Nimura A, Honda E, et al. An anatomical study of the anterosuperior capsular attachment site on the acetabulum. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2019;101(17):1554-62.
5) Nasu H, Nimura A, Sugiura S, et al. An anatomic study on the attachment of the joint capsule to the tibia in the lateral side of the knee. Surg Radiol Anat 2018;40(5):499-506.
6) Amaha K, Nimura A, Yamaguchi R, et al. Anatomic study of the medial side of the ankle base on the joint capsule:an alternative description of the deltoid and spring ligament. J Exp Orthop 2019;6(1):2.
7) Nimura A, Kato A, Yamaguchi K, et al. The superior capsule of the shoulder joint complements the insertion of the rotator cuff. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2012;21(7):867-72.
8) Momma D, Nimura A, Muro S, et al. Anatomic analysis of the whole articular capsule of the shoulder joint, with reference to the capsular attachment and thickness. J Exp Orthop 2018;5(1):16.
9) Nimura A, Fujishiro H, Wakabayashi Y, et al. Joint capsule attachment to the extensor carpi radialis brevis origin:an anatomical study with possible implications regarding the etiology of lateral epicondylitis. J Hand Surg Am 2014;39(2):219-25.
10) Ross MH, Pawlina W. Connective tissue. Histology:A Text and Atlas With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology. 7th Ed. Philadelphia:Wolters Kluwer;2016. p.156-87.
11) Schleip R, Findley TW, Chaitow L, Findley W, et al. Fascia - The Tensional Network of the Human Body. The Science and Clinical Applications in Manual and Movement Therapy. Edinburgh:Elsevier;2012.
12) Atanda A Jr, Averill LW, Wallace M, et al. Factors related to increased ulnar collateral ligament thickness on stress sonography of the elbow in asymptomatic youth and adolescent baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med 2016;44(12):3179-87.
13) Hoshika S, Nimura A, Yamaguchi R, et al. Medial elbow anatomy:A paradigm shift for UCL injury prevention and management. Clin Anat 2019;32(3):379-89.
14) Hattori S, Nimura A, Koyama M, et al. Dorsiflexion is more feasible than plantar flexion in ultrasound evaluation of the calcaneofibular ligament:a combination study of ultrasound and cadaver. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2020;28(1):262-69