特集 脊椎転移の治療 最前線
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6) Kato S, Hozumi T, Yamakawa K, et al. Hormonal therapy with external radiation therapy for metastatic spinal cord compression from newly diagnosed prostate cancer. J Orthop Sci 2013;18(5):819-25.
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8) Kato S, Hozumi T, Takaki Y, et al. Optimal schedule of preoperative embolization for spinal metastasis surgery. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2013;38(22):1964-9.
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10) Sugita S, Hozumi T, Yamakawa K, et al. The significance of spinal fixation in palliative surgery for spinal metastases. J Clin Neurosci 2018;48:163-7.
11) Ito K, Nihei K, Shimizuguchi T, et al. Postoperative re-irradiation using stereotactic body radiotherapy for metastatic epidural spinal cord compression. J Neurosurg Spine 2018;29(3):332-8.
12) Barzilai O, Fisher CG, Bilsky MH. State of the art treatment of spinal metastatic disease. Neurosurgery 2018;82(6):757-69.
13) Sugita S, Hozumi T, Yamakawa K, et al. Risk factors for surgical site infection after posterior fixation surgery and intraoperative radiotherapy for spinal metastases. Eur Spine J 2016;25(4):1034-8.
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