特集 高齢者足部・足関節疾患 外来診療のコツとトピックス
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12) van der Vlist AC, Winters M, Weir A, et al. Which treatment is most effective for patients with Achilles tendinopathy? A living systematic review with network meta-analysis of 29 randomised controlled trials. Br J Sports Med 2021;55(5):249-56.
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25) Harada T, Inagaki-Tanimura K, Nagao M, et al. Frequency of Achilles tendon xanthoma in patients with acute coronary syndrome. J Atheroscler Thromb 2017;24(9):949-53.
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27) Hashimoto T, Minami Y, Asakura K, et al. Achilles tendon thickening is associated with higher incidence of adverse cardiovascular event in patients with coronary artery disease. Heart Vessels 2021;36(2):163-9.