特集 股関節鏡手術のエビデンス—治療成績の現状
1) Yeung M, Kowalczuk M, Simunovic N, et al. Hip arthroscopy in the setting of hip dysplasia:a systematic review. Bone Joint Res 2016;5(6):225-31.
2) Kraeutler MJ, Safran MR, Scillia AJ, et al. A contemporary look at the evaluation and treatment of adult borderline and frank hip dysplasia. Am J Sports Med 2020;48(9):2314-23.
3) Freiman SM, Schwabe MT, Fowler L, et al. Prevalence of borderline acetabular dysplasia in symptomatic and asymptomatic populations:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Orthop J Sports Med 2022;10(2):23259671211040455. doi:10.1177/23259671211040455.
4) Krivicich LM, Rice M, Sivasundaram L, et al. Borderline dysplastic hips undergoing hip arthroscopy achieve equivalent patient reported outcomes when comopared with hips with normal acetabular coverage:a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2023;31(6):e336-46. doi:10.5435/JAAOS-D-22-00302.
5) Kuroda Y, Saito M, Sunil Kumar KH, et al. Hip arthroscopy and borderline developmental dysplasia of the hip:a systematic review. Arthroscopy;36(9):2550-67.e1. doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2020.05.035.
6) Hatakeyama A, Utsunomiya H, Nishikino S, et al. Predictors of poor clinical outcome after arthroscopic labral preservation, capsular plication, and cam osteoplasty in the setting of borderline hip dysplasia. Am J Sports Med 2018;46(1):135-43.
7) Maldonado DR, Perets I, Mu BH, et al. Arthroscopic capsular plication in patients with labral tears and borderline dysplasia of the hip:analysis of risk factors for failure. Am J Sports Med 2018;46(14):3446-53.
8) Zimmerer A, Schneider MM, Nietschke R, et al. Is hip arthroscopy an adequate therapy for the borderline dysplastic hip? Correlation between radiologic findings and clinical outcomes. Orthop J Sports Med 2020;8(5):2325967120920851. doi:10.1177/2325967120920851.
9) Marland JD, Horton BS, Smythe JJ, et al. Combined borderline acetabular dysplasia and increased femoral anteversion is associated with worse outcomes in female patients undergoing hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement. Arthroscopy 2023;39(4):971-7.
10) Chaharbakhshi EO, Perets I, Ashberg L, et al. Do ligamentum teres tears portend inferior outcomes in patients with borderline dysplasia undergoing hip arthroscopic surgery? A match-controlled study with a minimum 2-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med 2017;45(11):2507-16.
11) Maldonado DR, Chen SL, Walker-Santiago R, et al. An intact ligamentum teres predicts a superior prognosis in patients with borderline dysplasia:a matched-pair controlled study with minimum 5-year outcomes after hip arthroscopic surgery. Am J Sports Med 2020;48(3):673-81.