特集 はじめたい人と極めたい人のための 超音波ガイド下インターベンション
1) Kizaki K, Uchida S, Shanmugaraj A, et al. Deep gluteal syndrome is defined as a non-discogenic sciatic nerve disorder with entrapment in the deep gluteal space:a systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2020;28(10):3354-64.
2) Martin HD, Shears SA, Johnson JC, et al. The endoscopic treatment of sciatic nerve entrapment/deep gluteal syndrome. Arthroscopy 2011;27(2):172-81.
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4) 面谷透,高橋達也.アキレス腱縫合術後の腓腹神経障害に対するHydrorelease.日整外超音波会誌2020;31(1):198-203.
5) Evers S, Thoreson AR, Smith J, et al. Ultrasound-guided hydrodissection decreases gliding resistance of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Muscle Nerve 2018;57(1):25-32
6) Chen, Y.-T., Jenkins, K. M. Ultrasound finding of ischiofemoral impingement syndrome and novel treatment with botulinum toxin chemodenervation:a case report. PM&R 2018;10(6):665-70.
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9) 佐々木健,黒澤大輔,村上栄一・他.仙腸関節障害に合併した仙結節靱帯炎の2例.整形外科2018;69(1):29-31.
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11) Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell AWM, et al. Gray's anatomy for students. 3rd ed. Philadelphia:Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier;2015.
12) Yoshida, T, Onishi T, Furutani K, et al. A new ultrasound-guided pubic approach for proximal obturator nerve block:clinical study and cadaver evaluation. Anaesthesia 2016;71(3):291-7.
13) Sakamoto J, Morimoto Y, Ishii S, et al. Investigation and macroscopic anatomical study of referred pain in patients with hip disease. J Phys Ther Sci 2014;26(2):203-8.