特集① 耳管機能障害Update
●外科的治療の最近のトピックとしてBaloon dilation法を紹介した。
●外科的治療の最近のトピックとしてBaloon dilation法を紹介した。
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3)Cundy R, et al:Nasopharyngeal carcinoma extending into the eustachian tube. Arch Otolaryngol 98:131-133, 1973
4)Kumazawa T, et al:Aerodynamic evaluation of eustachian tube function. Preliminary report on normal subjects. Arch Otolaryngol 208:147-156, 1974
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10)守田雅弘:耳管機能障害の治療.MB ENT 55:54-64,2005
11)Poe DS, et al:Laser eustachian tuboplasty:a preliminary report. Laryngoscope 113:583-591, 2003
12)Metson R, et al:Microdebridder eustachian tuboplasty:a preliminary report. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 136:422-427, 2007
13)Ockermann T, et al:Balloon dilation eustachian tuboplasty:a feasibility study. Otol Neurotol 31:1100-1103, 2010
14)Ockermann T, et al:Balloon dilatation eustachian tuboplasty:a clinical study. Laryngoscope 120:1411-1416, 2010
15)Poe D:In reference to Balloon dilatation Eustachian tuboplasty:a clinical study. Laryngoscope 121:908, 2011