特集 聴神経腫瘍診療のNew Concept
●神経線維腫症Ⅱ型(neurofibromatosis type 2:NF2)の聴神経腫瘍に対するガンマナイフによる腫瘍制御率,聴力温存率はともにnon-NF2例に比して不良である。
●神経線維腫症Ⅱ型(neurofibromatosis type 2:NF2)の聴神経腫瘍に対するガンマナイフによる腫瘍制御率,聴力温存率はともにnon-NF2例に比して不良である。
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3)Kondziolka D, et al:Long-term results after radiosurgery for benign intracranial tumors. Neurosurgery 53:815-821, 2003
4)Yang I, et al:Facial nerve preservation after vestibular schwannoma Gamma Knife radiosurgery. J Neurooncol 93:41-48, 2009
5)Franzin A, et al:Evaluation of hearing function after Gamma Knife surgery of vestibular schwannomas. Neurosurg Focus 27:E3, 2009
6)Akpinar B, et al:Early radiosurgery improves hearing preservation in vestibular schwannoma patients with normal hearing at the time of diagnosis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 95:729-734, 2016
7)Nagano O, et al:Transient expansion of vestibular schwannoma following stereotactic radiosurgery. J Neurosurg 109:811-816, 2008
8)Lee SH, et al:Risk factors and tumor response associated with hydrocephalus after gamma knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma. Acta Neurochir(Wien) 154:1679-1684, 2012
9)Tanaka Y, et al:Clinical and neuroimaging characteristics of hydrocephalus associated with vestibular schwannoma. J Neurosurg 98:1188-1193, 2003
10)Liscak R, et al:Repeated treatment of vestibular schwannomas after gamma knife radiosurgery. Acta Neurochir(Wien) 151:317-324, 2009
11)Lonneville S, et al:Repeat Gamma Knife surgery for vestibular schwannomas. Surg Neurol Int 6:153, 2015
12)Sharma MS, et al:Tumor control and hearing preservation after Gamma Knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannomas in neurofibromatosis type 2. J Neurooncol 98:265-270, 2010
13)Mathieu D, et al:Stereotactic radiosurgery for vestibular schwannomas in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2:an analysis of tumor control, complications, and hearing preservation rates. Neurosurgery 60:460-468, 2007
14)Seferis C, et al:Malignant transformation in vestibular schwannoma:report of a single case, literature search, and debate. J Neurosurg 121 Suppl:160-166, 2014