特集 めまい診療のNew Trend
●3つの半規管は,HIT(head impulse test)で評価できる。
●2つの耳石器は,VEMP(vestibular evoked myogenic potential)で評価できる。
●3つの半規管は,HIT(head impulse test)で評価できる。
●2つの耳石器は,VEMP(vestibular evoked myogenic potential)で評価できる。
1)Halmagyi GM, et al:A clinical sign of canal paresis. Arch Neurol 45:737-739, 1988
2)新藤 晋・他:新しい半規管機能検査—video Head Impulse Test—.Equilibrium Res 73:22-31,2014
3)Weber KP, et al:Head impulse test in unilateral vestibular loss. Neurology 70:454-463, 2008
4)室伏利久:Motor system. What's classic and what's new? ヒトでの検査.前庭系からの制御.Clin Neurosci 27:817-821,2009
5)MacDougall HG, et al:The video head impulse test. Neurology 73:1124-1141, 2009
6)Halmagyi GM, et al:Impulsive testing of semicircular canal function. In:ed. by Kaga K, Starr A, Neuropathies of the auditory and vestibular eighth cranial nerves. pp93-109, Springer, Tokyo, 2009
7)Kim JS, et al:Inferior vestibular neuritis. J Neurol 259:1553-1560, 2012
8)室伏利久:oVEMP,cVEMPの意義.Clin Neurosci 30:1068-1069,2012
9)Murofushi T:Clinical application of vestibular evoked myogenic potential(VEMP). Auris Nasus Larynx 43:367-376, 2016
10)Murofushi T, et al:Association of air-conducted sound oVEMP findings with cVEMP and caloric test findings in patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorders. Acta Otolaryngol 131:945-950, 2011
11)Papathanasiou ES, et al:International guidelines for the clinical application of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials:An expert consensus report. Clin Neurophysiol 125:658-666, 2014
12)室伏利久・他:cVEMPの臨床応用に関する国際ガイドラインについて.Equilibrium Res 73:485-495,2014
14)Murofushi T, et al:Detection of saccular endolymphatic hydrops in Ménière's disease using a modified glycerol cVEMP test in combination with the tuning property test. Otol Neurotol 37:1131-1136, 2016
15)Chihara Y, et al:Clinical characteristics of inferior vestibular neuritis. Acta Otolaryngol 132:1288-1294, 2012
16)Murofushi T, et al:Frequency preference in cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential of idiopathic otolithic vertigo. Does it reflect otolithic endolymphatic hydrops? Acta Otolaryngol 135:995-999, 2015
17)Welgampola MS, et al:Vestibular-evoked myogenic potential thresholds normalize on plugging superior canal dehiscence. Neurology 70:464-472, 2008