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特集 めまい診療のNew Trend



著者: 野口佳裕1

所属機関: 1信州大学医学部人工聴覚器学講座

ページ範囲:P.30 - P.34







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12)Kim HJ, et al:SNP linkage analysis and whole exome sequencing identify a novel POU4F3 mutation in autosomal dominant late-onset nonsyndromic hearing loss(DFNA15). PLos One 8:e79063, 2013
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19)野口佳裕・他:前庭水管拡大症を伴うSLC26A4,ATP6V1B1,SIX1変異例の聴平衡覚所見の検討.Equilibrium Res 72:97-106,2013.
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22)Noguchi Y, et al:Audiovestibular findings in a branchio-oto syndrome patient with a SIX1 mutation. Acta Otolaryngol 131:413-418, 2011
23)Ito T, et al:Slc26a4-insufficiency causes fluctuating hearing loss and stria vascularis. Neurobiol Dis 66:53-65, 2014
24)岩崎 聡・他:Usher症候群の臨床タイプ分類の問題点.日耳鼻115:894-901,2012
25)吉村豪兼・他:Usher症候群タイプ1の原因遺伝子と前庭機能評価についての検討.Equilibrium Res 72:467-471,2013
26)Yoshimura H, et al:Identification of a novel CLRN1 gene mutation in Usher syndrome type 3:two case reports. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 124 Suppl 1:94S-99S, 2015
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28)Martin-Sierra C, et al:A novel missense variant in PRKCB segregates low-frequency hearing loss in an autosomal dominant family with Meniere's disease. Hum Mol Genet 2016 Jun 21. pii:ddw183(印刷中)





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