増刊号 臨床力UP! 耳鼻咽喉科検査マニュアル
Ⅰ 聴覚検査
1)Goehring JL, et al:How well do cochlear implant intraoperative impedance measures predict postoperative electrode function? Otol Neurotol 34:239-244, 2013
2)Cafarelli Dees D, et al:Normative findings of electrically evoked compound action potential measurements using the neural response telemetry of the Nucleus CI24M cochlear implant system. Audiol Neurootol 10:105-116, 2005
3)van Dijk B, et al:Clinical results of AutoNRT, a completely automatic ECAP recording system for cochlear implants. Ear Hear 28:558-570, 2007
4)Hughes ML:Fundamentals of clinical ECAP Measures in cochlear implants:Part 1 use of the ECAP in speech processor programming(2nd ed). Audiology Online(November 8):Article 2347, 2010
5)Hall JW:Handbook of auditory evoked responses, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA, 1992.
6)Minami SB, et al:Usefulness of measuring electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses in children with inner ear malformations during cochlear implantation. Acta Otolaryngol 135:1007-1015, 2015
7)Firszt JB, et al:Neurophysiology of cochlear implant users I:effects of stimulus current level and electrode site on the electrical ABR, MLR, and N1-P2 response. Ear Hear 23:502-515, 2002
8)Brown CJ, et al:Intraoperative and postoperative electrically evoked auditory brain stem responses in nucleus cochlear implant users:implications for the fitting process. Ear Hear 15:168-176, 1994
9)Smith PF:Interactions between the vestibular nucleus and the dorsal cochlear nucleus:implications for tinnitus. Hear Res 292:80-82, 2012
10)Barker M, et al:Acoustic overexposure increases the expression of VGLUT-2 mediated projections from the lateral vestibular nucleus to the dorsal cochlear nucleus. PLoS One 7:e35955, 2012