増刊号 臨床力UP! 耳鼻咽喉科検査マニュアル
Ⅱ めまい・平衡機能検査
vHIT:VOR gainの定量や肉眼では確認できない頭部回転中のサッカード(covert saccade)まで検出するために用いられる。
vHIT:VOR gainの定量や肉眼では確認できない頭部回転中のサッカード(covert saccade)まで検出するために用いられる。
1)Kattah JC, et al:HINTS to diagnose stroke in the acute vestibular syndrome:three-step bedside oculomotor examination more sensitive than early MRI diffusion-weighted imaging. Stroke 40:3504-3510, 2009
2)Halmagyi GM, et al:A clinical sign of canal paresis. Arch Neurol 45:737-739, 1988
3)Weber KP, et al:Head impulse test in unilateral vestibular loss:vestibulo-ocular reflex and catch-up saccades. Neurology 70:454-463, 2008
4)Bartl K, et al:Head impulse testing using video-oculography. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1164:331-333, 2009
5)Weber KP, et al:Impulsive testing of semicircular-canal function using video-oculography. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1164:486-491, 2009
6)Newman-Toker DE, et al:Normal head impulse test differentiates acute cerebellar strokes from vestibular neuritis. Neurology 70:2378-2385, 2008
7)Hamid M:More than a 50% canal paresis is needed for the head impulse test to be positive. Otol Neurotol 26:318-319, 2005
8)Macdougall HG, et al:The video Head Impulse Test(vHIT)detects vertical semicircular canal dysfunction. PLoS One 8(4):e61488. doi:10.1371/journal. pone. 0061488, 2013
9)Blödow A, et al:Detection of isolated covert saccades with the video head impulse test in peripheral vestibular disorders. Auris Nasus Larynx 40:348-351, 2013
10)Mahringer A, et al:Caloric test and video-head-impulse:a study of vertigo/dizziness patients in a community hospital. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 271:463-472, 2014
11)Mantokoudis G, et al:Early adaptation and compensation of clinical vestibular responses after unilateral vestibular deafferentation surgery. Otol Neurotol 2014;35:148-154.
12)Allum JH, et al:Relation between head impulse tests, rotating chair tests, and stance and gait posturography after an acute unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit. Otol Neurotol 2013;34:980-989.
13)Macdougall HG, et al:Plasticity during vestibular compensation:the role of saccades. Front Neurol 2012;3:21. doi:10.3389/fneur. 2012.00021
14)McGarvie LA, et al:What does the head impulse test versus caloric dissociation reveal about vestibular dysfunction in Ménière's disease? Ann N Y Acad Sci 1343:58-62, 2015
15)新藤 晋・他:video Head Impulse Testを用いた垂直半規管機能検査.耳鼻臨床 補142:150,2015
16)新藤 晋・他:新しい半規管機能検査法 video Head Impulse Test.Equilibrium Res 73:22-31,2014