特集 耳鼻咽喉科で診る睡眠障害
●持続陽圧呼吸(CPAP)機器の性能向上や医療経済的な面からAuto CPAPによる治療が容認されつつあるが,CPAP使用データの確認は必須であり,無呼吸低呼吸指数(AHI)の改善が乏しい症例や眠気が残存する症例ではタイトレーションや精査のため睡眠専門施設での診療を検討すべきである。
●持続陽圧呼吸(CPAP)機器の性能向上や医療経済的な面からAuto CPAPによる治療が容認されつつあるが,CPAP使用データの確認は必須であり,無呼吸低呼吸指数(AHI)の改善が乏しい症例や眠気が残存する症例ではタイトレーションや精査のため睡眠専門施設での診療を検討すべきである。
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2)Weaver TE, et al:Adherence to continuous positive airway pressure therapy:the challenge to effective treatment. Proc Am Thorac Soc 5:173-178, 2008
3)Shapiro GK, et al:Factors that influence CPAP adherence:an overview. Sleep Breath. 14:323-335, 2010
4)Poirier J, et al:The effect of nasal surgery on nasal continuous positive airway pressure compliance. Laryngoscope 124:317-319, 2014
5)Lettieri CJ, et al:Effects of a short course of eszopiclone on continuous positive airway pressure adherence:a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 151:696-702, 2009
6)Gay P, et al:Evaluation of positive airway pressure treatment for sleep related breathing disorders in adults. Sleep. 29:381-401, 2006
7)Rosenthal L, et al:CPAP therapy in patients with mild OSA:implementation and treatment outcome. Sleep Med 1:215-220, 2000
8)Aloia MS, et al:How early in treatment is PAP adherence established? Revisiting night-to-night variability. Behav Sleep Med 5:229-240, 2007
9)Lim J, et al:Oral appliances for obstructive sleep apnoea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006 Jan 25;(1):CD004435
10)外木守雄:SASの治療Up to Date OA治療の適応と限界.日気管食道会報66:129-131,2015
11)Cartwright RD:Effect of sleep position on sleep apnea severity. Sleep 7:110-114, 1984
12)Oksenberg A et al:Positional vs nonpositional obstructive sleep apnea patients:anthropomorphic, nocturnal polysomnographic, and multiple sleep latency test data. Chest 112:629-639, 1997
13)Saigusa H, et al:Three-dimensional morphological analyses of positional dependence in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Anesthesiology 110:885-890, 2009
14)Peppard PE, et al:Longitudinal study of moderate weight change and sleep-disordered breathing. JAMA 284:3015-3021, 2000
15)Chirinos JA, et al:CPAP, weight loss, or both for obstructive sleep apnea. N Engl J Med 370:2265-2275, 2014