特集 ここまできた! 頭頸部希少癌の治療戦略
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5)Stanimirov Rossi O, et al:Multilocular sinonasal malignant melanoma:a poor prognostic subgroup? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 272:123-129, 2015
6)Benlyazid A, et al:Postoperative radiotherapy in head and neck mucosal melanoma:a GETTEC study. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 136:1219-1225, 2010
7)Haerle SK, et al:The value of 18F-FDG-PET/CT imaging for sinonasal malignant melanoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 269:127-133, 2012
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15)Zenda S, et al:Phase Ⅱ study of proton beam therapy as a nonsurgical approach for mucosal melanoma of the nasal cavity or para-nasal sinuses. Radiother Oncol 118:267-271, 2016
16)Yanagi T, et al:Mucosal malignant melanoma of the head and neck treatedby carbon ion radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 74:15-20, 2009
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19)Warner AB, et al:Combination controversies:checkpoint inhibition alone or in combination for the treatment of melanoma? Oncology 32:228-234, 2018