特集 一側性難聴の現状とその対応
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4)加藤大介・他:耳鳴と聴覚過敏を伴う中等度一側難聴の補聴器奏効例—症例提示と検査手技.Audiol Jpn 60:406,2017
5)Golub JS, et al:Prevalence of adult unilateral hearing loss and hearing aid use in the United States. Laryngoscope 128:1681-1686, 2018
6)Kim G, et al:Efficacy of bone-anchored hearing aids in single-sided deafness:a systematic review. Otol Neurotol 38:473-483, 2017
7)西村忠己・他:片側性難聴に対する軟骨伝導補聴器の両耳聴効果.Otol Jpn 26:354,2016
8)Döge J, et al:Single-sided deafness:impact of cochlear implantation on speech perception in complex noise and on auditory localization accuracy. Otol Neurotol 38:e563-e569, 2017
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11)Rahne T, et al:Functional result after cochlear implantation in children and adults with single-sided deafness. Otol Neurotol 37:e332-340, 2016
12)Galvin JJ 3rd, et al:Benefits of cochlear implantation for single-sided deafness:data from the House Clinic-University of Southern California-University of California, Los Angeles Clinical Trial. Ear Hear, 2018[Epub ahead of print]
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14)Polonenko MJ, et al:Cortical organization restored by cochlear implantation in young children with single sided deafness. Sci Rep 7:16900, 2017