特集 補聴器と人工聴覚器の最前線2020
1)CochlearImplantHELP:Cochlear Implant Comparison Chart https://cochlearimplanthelp.com/
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3)Snels C, et al:Hearing preservation in Cochlear implant surgery:a meta-analysis. Otol Neurotol 40:145-153, 2019
4)Rouiha K, et al:Analysis of speech processing strategies in cochlear implants. J Comput Sci 4:372-374, 2008
5)Skinner MW, et al:Speech recognition with the nucleus 24 SPEAK, ACE, and CIS speech coding strategies in newly implanted adults. Ear Hear 23:207-223, 2002
6)Cucis PA, et al:Hearing in noise:the importance of coding strategies—normal-hearing subjects and cochlear implant users. Appl Sci 9:734, 2019
7)Babacan O, et al:Implementation of a neurophysiologically-based coding strategy for the cochlear implant. 13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, 2010
8)El Boghdady N:Multichannel EEG analysis of sound coding strategies for cochlear implants. NSC Master Thesis. Universität Zürich, 2014 doi:10.5167/uzh-108026
9)Hughes ML, et al:Effect of stimulus and recording parameters on spatial spread of excitation and masking patterns obtained with the electrically evoked compound action potential in cochlear implants. Ear Hear 31:679-692, 2010
10)Woodson EA, et al:The Hybrid cochlear implant:a review. Adv Otorhinolaryngol 67:125-134, 2010