特集 補聴器と人工聴覚器の最前線2020
1)岩崎 聡:最近の人工聴覚機器.日耳鼻118:636-642,2015
2)城間将江:人工内耳.標準言語聴覚障害学 聴覚障害学,中村公枝・他(編).医学書院,東京,2013,pp185-203
3)城間将江:言語聴覚士の人工内耳臨床におけるマッピングについて.Audiology Japan 59:XX-XXII,2016
4)大西晶子・他:データロギング機能を用いた人工内耳装用小児の装用状況と音環境の検討.Audiology Japan 59:535-536,2016
5)Wolfe J, et al:Programming cochlear implants, 2nd ed. Plural Publishing, San Diego, 2014, pp61-91
7)Naito Y, et al:Speech and hearing after cochlear implantation in children with inner ear malformation and cochlear nerve deficiency. In Cochlear implantation in children with inner ear malformation and cochlear nerve deficiency, ed by Kaga K. Springer, Singapore, 2017, pp147-165
8)Zwolan TA, et al:Electric charge requirements of pediatric cochlear implant recipients enrolled in the childhood development after cochlear implantation study. Otol Neurotol 29:143-148, 2008
9)北野庸子・他:マッピングの実際1.Client 21 No. 7 補聴器と人工内耳,野田 寛(編).中山書店,東京,2001,pp316-320
11)Hughes ML, et al:Comparison of EAP thresholds with MAP levels in the nucleus 24 cochlear implant:data from children. Ear Hear 21:164-174, 2000
12)Vaerenberg B, et al:Cochlear implant programming:a global survey on the state of the art. ScientificWorldJournal 2014:501738, 2014
13)Yamazaki H, et al:Electrically evoked auditory brainstem response-based evaluation of the spatial distribution of auditory neuronal tissue in common cavity deformities. Otol Neurotol 35:1394-1402, 2014