特集 小児難聴を究める!
1)Goderis J, et al:Hearing loss and congenital CMV infection:a systematic review. Pediatrics 134:972-982, 2014
2)Foulon I, et al:Hearing loss in children with congenital cytomegalovirus infection in relation to the maternal trimester in which the maternal primary infection occurred. Pediatrics 122:e1123-e1127, 2008
3)Marsico C, et al:Congenital cytomegalovirus infection:advances and challenges in diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Ital J Pediatr 43:38, 2017
4)山野邉義晴・他:先天性サイトメガロウイルス感染症による難聴患者の臨床研究.日耳鼻123:1083, 2020
5)Foulon I, et al:Hearing configuration in children with cCMV infection and proposal of a flow chart for hearing evaluation. Int J Audiol 54:714-719, 2015
6)Kimberlin DW, et al:Valganciclovir for symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus disease. N Engl J Med 372:933-943, 2015
7)Kimberlin DW, et al:Effect of ganciclovir therapy on hearing in symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus disease involving the central nervous system:a randomized, controlled trial. J Pediatr 143:16-25, 2003
8)del Rosal T, et al:Treatment of symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection beyond the neonatal period. J Clin Virol 55:72-74, 2012
9)Yoshida H, et al:Long-term outcomes of cochlear implantation in children with congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Otol Neurotol 38:e190-e194, 2017
10)砂川富正:先天性風疹症候群の臨床・ウイルス学的特徴.臨とウイルス46:382-388, 2018
11)小川 洋:ウイルスと小児難聴.耳喉頭頸86:133-139, 2014
12)Wild NJ, et al:Onset and severity of hearing loss due to congenital rubella infection. Arch Dis Child 64:1280-1283, 1989