特集 真珠腫まるわかり! あなたの疑問にお答えします
1)Ikeda R, et al:Efficacy of a silicone plug for patulous eustachian tube:a prospective, multicenter case series. Laryngoscope 130:1304-1309, 2020
2)小林俊光・他:耳管ピン.Otol Jpn 31:410-414,2021
3)Kikuchi T, et al:Effectiveness of Kobayashi plug for 252 ears with chronic patulous Eustachian tube. Acta Otolaryngol 137:253-258, 2017
4)大島英敏:耳管狭窄症に対するバルーン耳管開大術(BET).MB ENT(263):28-35,2021
5)小林俊光・他:耳管病態を考慮した真珠腫手術(Ⅲ)—開放耳管と狭窄耳管の鑑別と対策.MB ENT(263):89-97,2021
6)Kobayashi T, et al:Masked patulous Eustachian tube:an important diagnostic precaution before middle ear surgery. Tohoku J Exp Med 218:317-324, 2009
7)大田重人:耳管の機能検査—音響法,TTAG法,加圧減圧法.JOHNS 35:429-433,2019
8)Ikeda R, et al:Diagnosis of the patulous Eustachian tube. Ear Nose Throat J, 2020 doi:10.1177/0145561320925938
9)大島猛史:聴覚検査—耳管機能検査.JOHNS 34:853-856,2018
10)金子明弘:耳管機能検査マニュアル2016について.JOHNS 35:419-425,2019
11)Takata I, et al:Sonotubometric assessment for severity of patulous eustachian tube. Otol Neurotol 38:846-852, 2017
12)Ikeda R, et al:Width of patulous Eustachian tube:comparison of assessment by sonotubometry and tubo-tympano-aerography. Otol Neurotol 40:e386-e392, 2019
15)細田泰男:耳管病態を考慮した鼓膜形成術・鼓室形成術(Ⅱ)—Visible TTAGによる耳管機能障害の評価と中耳手術での対策.MB ENT(263):67-75,2021
16)Ikeda R, et al:Management of patulous eustachian tube with habitual sniffing. Otol Neurotol 32:790-793, 2011
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20)Ohta S, et al:Eustachian tube function and habitual sniffing in middle ear cholesteatoma. Otol Neurotol 30:48-53, 2009
21)Asawapittayanont P, et al:Tubal function tests with optional myringotomy detect Eustachian tube closing failure in acquired pars flaccida retraction cholesteatoma. Auris Nasus Larynx 44:65-69, 2017
22)Takizawa Y, et al:Relationship between tympanic membrane retraction and habitual sniffing in patients with cholesteatoma. Acta Otolaryngol 133:1030-1034, 2013
23)Endo S, et al:Postoperative course of pars flaccida cholesteatoma patients with habitual sniffing. Otol Neurotol 41:e1214-e1218, 2020
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26)Yamamoto-Fukuda T, et al:Effect of the tympanostomy tube on postoperative retraction of the soft posterior meatal wall caused by habitual sniffing. Laryngoscope 119:2037-2041, 2009