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増刊号 結果の読み方がよくわかる! 耳鼻咽喉科検査ガイド



著者: 村瀬貴幸1 稲垣宏1

所属機関: 1名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科臨床病態病理学

ページ範囲:P.204 - P.212







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3)El-Naggar AK, et al(eds):WHO classification of head and neck tumours, 4th ed. IARC press, Lyon, 2017, pp63-76(Tumours of the nasopharynx)
4)El-Naggar AK, et al(eds):WHO classification of head and neck tumours, 4th ed. IARC press, Lyon, 2017, pp159-202(Tumours of salivary glands)
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