特集 外来診療のテクニック—匠に学ぶプロのコツ
●Narrow Band Imaging(NBI)や画像強調も病変の診断に有用である。
●Narrow Band Imaging(NBI)や画像強調も病変の診断に有用である。
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2)Watanabe A, et al:The value of narrow band imaging endoscope for early head and neck cancers. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 138:446-451, 2008
3)Sakai A, et al:New techniques to detect unknown primaries in cervical lymph node metastasis. Laryngoscope 120:1779-1783, 2010
4)Sakai A, et al:A new technique to expose the hypopharyngeal space:The Modified Killian's method. Auris Nasus Larynx 41:207-210, 2014
5)Sakai A, et al:How to improve the endoscopic view of the hypopharynx:validation of our novel modified Killian's Method to expose the hypopharynx in 20 subjects. Clin Otolaryngol 43:1407-1410, 2018
6)千年俊一:喉頭癌の早期発見のコツとpitfall.MB ENT(202):54-58,2017
8)Tsunoda A, et al:Head torsion technique for detailed observation of larynx and hypopharynx. J Laryngol Otol 121:489-490, 2007
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