特集 伝音難聴を克服する 一歩進んだ診断と手術・人工聴覚器の適応の見極め
1)Smit AL, et al:Hearing-related quality of life, developmental outcomes and performance in children and young adults with unilateral conductive hearing loss due to aural atresia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 142:110590, 2021
2)Thompson NJ, et al:Spatial hearing as a function of presentation level in moderate-to-severe unilateral conductive hearing loss. Otol Neurotol 41:167-172, 2020
3)Liu J, et al:Unilateral conductive hearing loss disrupts the developmental refinement of binaural processing in the rat primary auditory cortex. Front Neurosci 15:762337, 2021
4)Sánchez Jiménez A, et al:Persistence and generalization of adaptive changes in auditory localization behavior following unilateral conductive hearing loss. Front Neurosci 17:1067937, 2023
5)Sakamoto Y, et al:Effects of FM system fitted into the normal hearing ear orcartilage conduction hearing aid fitted into the affected ear on speech-in-noise recognition in Japanese children with unilateral congenital aural atresia. J Med Invest 67:131-138, 2020
6)Akasaka S, et al:Benefits of cartilage conduction hearing aids for speech perception in unilateral aural atresia. Audiol Res 11:284-290, 2021