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特集 物理療法の有効性とリスク管理


著者: 小林寛和1 金村朋直1 池田潤一2 大石勝規3

所属機関: 1財団法人スポーツ医・科学研究所 2医療法人青山外科 3トヨタ自動車ヴェルブリッツ

ページ範囲:P.125 - P.130





 寒冷療法の方法や効果の根拠を得るために数多くの検討がなされてきている.Bleakley1)やHubbard2)は,過去の研究内容の比較検討から,寒冷療法の方法と効果について考察している.Bleakleyは22編の研究論文を,Hubbardは4論文を,PEDro scaleにより評価し,有効性と根拠の明確化を試みている.その結果からも,寒冷療法に関するevidenceは十分とは言い難く,より精度の高い実験的研究の必要性が指摘されている.



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2)Hubbard TJ:Does cryotherapy hasten return to participation? A review. J Athl Train 39:88-94, 2004
3)Cameron MH編著,眞野行生監訳:EBM物理療法,pp129-148医歯薬出版,2003
4)Knight KL著:クライオセラピー,ブックハウスHD,1997
6)Martin SS:Cryotherapy:an effective modality for decreasing intraarticular temperature after knee arthroscopy. Am J Sports Med 29:288-291, 2001
7)Ho SSW:Comparison of various icing times in decreasing bone metabolism and blood flow in the knee. Am J Sports Med 23:74-76, 1995
8)Taber C:Measurement of reactive vasodilation during cold gel pack application nontraumatized ankles. Phys Ther 72:294-299, 1992
9)Karunakara RG:Changes in forearm blood flow during single and intermittent cold application. JOSPT 29:177-180, 1999
10)Ho SSW:The effects of ice on blood flow and bone metabolism in knees. Am J Sports Med 22:537-540, 1994
11)Hopkins JT:Ankle cryotherapy facilitates soleus function. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 32:622-627, 2002
12)Paddon-Jones DJ:Effect of cryotherapy on muscle soreness and strength following eccentric exercise. Int J Sports Med 18:588-593, 1997
13)McMaster WC:A literary review on ice therapy in injury. Am J Sports Med 5:124-126, 1977
14)Shelbourne KD:Update on accelerated rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 15:303-316, 1992
15)Cohn BT:The effects of cold therapy in the postoperative management of pain in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstructon. Am J Sports Med 17:344-349, 1989
16)Konrath GA:The use of cold therapy after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am J Sports Med 24:629-633, 1996
17)Lessard LA:The efficacy of cryotherapy following arthroscopic knee surgery. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 26:14-22, 1997
18)Ohkoshi Y:The effect of cryotherapy on intraarticular temperature and postoperative care after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am J Sports Med 27:357-362, 1999
19)Dervin GF:Effects of cold and compression dressings on early postoperative outcomes for the arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patient. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 27:403-406, 1998
20)Edwards DJ:The use of cold therapy in the postoperative management of patients undergoing arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am J Sports Med 24:193-195, 1996
21)Hocutt JE:Cryotherapy in ankle sprains. Am J Sports Med 10:316-319, 1982
23)Drez D:Cryotherapy and nerve palsy. Am J Sports Med 9:256-257, 1981
24)Bassett FH:Cryotherapy-induced nerve injury. Am J Sports Med 20:516-518, 2005
25)Moeller JL:Cryotherapy-induced common peroneal nerve palsy. Clin J Sport Med 7:212-216, 1997
26)Enwemeka CS:Soft tissue thermodynamics before, during, and after cold pack therapy. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 34:45-50, 2002
27)Warren TA:Intra-articular knee temperature changes. Am J Sports Med 32:441-445, 2004
28)Zemke JE:Intramuscular temperature responses in the human leg to two forms of cryotherapy:Ice massage and ice bag. JOSPT 27:301-307, 1998





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