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特集 脳性麻痺児の理学療法


著者: 堀場寿実1 野々垣聡1 岡川敏郎1

所属機関: 1愛知県青い鳥医療福祉センターリハビリテーション科

ページ範囲:P.567 - P.572




1)Morris C:A review of the efficacy of lower-limb orthoses used for cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol 44:205-211, 2002
2)Dursun E, et al:Ankle-foot orthoses:effect on gait in children with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil 24:345-352, 2002
3)Desloovere K, et al:How can push-off be preserved during use of an ankle foot orthosis in children with hemiplegia? A prospective controlled study. Gait Posture 24:142-151, 2006
4)Brunner R, et al:Comparison of a stiff and a spring-type ankle-foot orthosis to improve gait in spastic hemiplegic children. Pediatr Orthop 18:719-726, 1998
5)Romkes J, et al:Comparison of a dynamic and a hinged ankle-foot orthosis by gait analysis in patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Gait Posture 15:18-24, 2002
6)Smiley SJ, et al:A comparison of the effects of solid, articulated, and posterior leaf-spring ankle-foot orthoses and shoes alone on gait and energy expenditure in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Orthopedics 25:411-416, 2002
7)Lam WK, et al:Biomechanical and electromyographic evaluation of ankle foot orthosis and dynamic ankle foot orthosis in spastic cerebral palsy. Gait Posture 22:189-197, 2005
8)Ounpuu S, et al:An evaluation of the posterior leaf spring orthosis using joint kinematics and kinetics. Pediatr Orthop 16:378-384, 1996
9)Romkes J, et al:Changes in muscle activity in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy while walking with and without ankle-foot orthoses. Gait Posture 24:467-474, 2006
10)Radtka SA, et al:A comparison of gait with solid and hinged ankle-foot orthoses in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Gait Posture 21:303-313, 2005
cost of walking in children with spastic csrebral palsy. Med Sci Sports Exerc 33:320-325, 2001
12)Buckon CE, et al:Comparison of three ankle-foot orthosis configurations for children with spastic diplegia. Dev Med Child Neurol 46:590-598, 2004
13)鈴木伸治:脳性麻痺児に対する短下肢装具の適応と効果における矛盾.義装会誌 18:142-147,2002
14)Russell DJ, et al:Assessing functional differences in gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy who use an ambulatory aid or orthoses:can the GMFM-88 help?. Dev Med Child Neurol 48:158-167, 2006
15)Autti-Ramo I, et al:Effectiveness of upper and lower limb casting and orthoses in children with cerebral palsy:an overview of review articles. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 85:89-103, 2006
16)Park ES, et al:The effect of hinged ankle-foot orthoses on sit-to-stand transfer in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85:2053-2057, 2004
17)Sienko TS, et al:Stair locomotion in children with spastic hemiplegia:the impact of three different ankle foot orthosis(AFOs) configurations. Gait Posture 16:180-187, 2002
19)君塚 葵:脳性麻痺の装具療法.義装会誌 18:120-123,2002
20)前野 豊:小児の靴型装具.義装会誌 18:235-238,2002





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